Tag: astral

  • Dream and Astral Travel

    Dream and Astral Travel

    The subject of dream and astral travel is a bit complex, so forgive me if I have to cover a lot of theory. The subject is also a little broad. In fact, I will start with a little neural science. It applies both to near death (nde) phenomenon and hypnogogic states. Your brain actually processes…

  • Astral Realm

    Astral Realm

    The earth itself has an astral component. A realm of existence that would correspond to its very own astral body. In Shamanism, this is often referred to as the spirit world and even the departed don’t usually leave this psychosphere of the planet. This is in part why mediums aren’t actually very challenged in reaching…

  • Astral Logistics

    Astral Logistics

    Astral logistics is basically manifestation, but bigger. Logistics is the practice of managing energy and resources, and when it seems that something out there has a mind of its own, well it doesn’t have one unified mind. There are many minds, and they are all interacting. Karma, providence, even chi flow, are all just aspects…

  • Using Astral Energy

    Using Astral Energy

    The definition of astral energy is any spiritual/psychic energy. Life force. It is the raw life force. It’s the “observer force” from physics. It’s why they say in the Bible, if there were no human beings the rocks would praise God. Is it like when people have out of body experiences? It’s like that if…