Tag: cooperative

  • Cooperative Creation

    Cooperative Creation

    All energy differs from matter only by its state of being or phase. So though at times we may have experienced contact in what seems like an otherworldly and entirely psychological way, it doesn’t mean that the artefact in our consciousness doesn’t correspond to a very tangible and enduring reality. Right now, we are observing…

  • Product of Cooperative Effort

    Product of Cooperative Effort

    Everything that happens and exists has this power not by itself, but as a product of cooperative effort. Your body lives because of the cooperation of sun and sky, and earth and water. This applies to everything. Outside of this nothing is possible. But just as in relationships between any two human beings, these cooperative…

  • Every Event is Cooperative

    Every Event is Cooperative

    The elements themselves speak. Besides recording the energy impressed on them by passing events, the energies they embody and express, impress themselves on the “living” things around you. Light shaped the eye, eyes don’t shape light. Sound shaped the ear, your ear is the mouth of the sky. The elements run all around you and…

  • Cooperative Intelligence

    Cooperative Intelligence

    Let’s rewind a bit. The physical basis of cell formation, the simple chemical forces that cause DNA to form, this is an innate aspect of matter to the point where we can now produce synthetic parallels to human DNA. XNA they call it. It isn’t human DNA, and it isn’t necessarily compatible with human DNA,…

  • Life is Cooperative

    Life is Cooperative

    Life is cooperative. When you become very tired and sick, what do you need most? Sleep and medicine? Rest from stress. Attention. We need help. Cooperation, communication. The baby gets their lunch because they just cry. They don’t have the foggiest notion of demands. It’s a naturalistic realization. They accept fully that they need, that…