Tag: divination

  • Divination & Positive Thinking

    Divination & Positive Thinking

    Divination is not foolishness. It’s just encoded intuitions about life. You get from divination the wisdom you bring to it. It is not a pointless exercise because the gnosis is there. When the student is ready the master appears. When you have the ears to hear and the eyes to see then divination works. When…

  • Divination of Tarot

    Divination of Tarot

    Cartomancy is a relatively new method of the more general practice of divination. It arose in the late medieval era as a way of preserving initiatory murals in a way that could be kept safe and transported. The major arcana specifically is those big spooky cards you often see in movies and are read about…

  • Divination Method

    Divination Method

    Does handwriting analysis fit as a divination method? It can. It is a form of geomancy like feng shui. The seemingly poor handwriting arose from energies that are playing out in that persons life, making them make loops bigger, or lines choppy, distorting specific words when others aren’t. Often times it reveals subconscious inclinations and,…

  • Using Divination

    Using Divination

    There is a movie called, “Knowing“. In it, Nicolas Cage finds a sheet of paper with seemingly meaningless numbers. It was in a time capsule buried 50 years ago. He discovers that these numbers are in a pattern and it’s a pattern of dates, all of them world disasters. It isn’t far fetched as everything…

  • Divination Using Dreams

    Divination Using Dreams

    Ever notice you don’t choose the patterns in your dreams, but you can pretty much always recognize them? Somehow, the structure always seems familiar? They don’t reflect your thinking any more than your waking vision reflects how you think, or any less. As your thinking does determine how you pay attention to and notice things,…

  • Practice of Oneiromancy

    Practice of Oneiromancy

    There are three basic styles of oneiromancy, just as there are three different fields of dream. There is the theurgic, where through contemplation of divinity and adoration of the presences of the God/Goddess, your dreams begin to take on the nature of that divine wisdom. Then there is the hermetic, which is through an immersion…

  • Story of Divination

    Story of Divination

    History repeats itself. It has been repeating itself for a very long time. In truth, the concept of history as a linear flow of continuity is itself mistaken. The systems of events that occur around us have existed really forever. Time and events are not a homogeneous flow. Each aspect of time and any event…

  • Divination Opens the Channel

    Divination Opens the Channel

    Our divination systems are like the proverbial butterfly, picking up all the currents? Indeed. The fluttering of any simple system, a flock of birds or school of fish, is sensitive to changes in every other system. Though some information gets lost as the scope of information exchange expands, it’s not lost all together but is…