Sanity Dysfunction
Sanity is a cozy lie. Susan Sontag Why I Am Dysfunctional Today: We all look for clarity in our lives. Each of us is motivated to varying degrees of intensity. To me, life seems both amazingly intense and to an equal degree abstract, at the same time. I find myself chronically at a loss to…
Distortion Dysfunction
I know I’m paranoid; I’ve made a career out of it. Thom Yorke Why I Am Dysfunctional Today: I would like to say that I perceive reality clearly. I would like to say that I have learned something useful from every one of my mistakes. I can not honestly say these things. I am intimately…
Absorption Dysfunction
The advantage of the emotions is that they lead us astray. Oscar Wilde Why I Am Dysfunctional Today: I sometimes become intensely absorbed in some random train of thought. This isn’t daydreaming. While I’m immersed in whatever mental tangent I am on, I lose touch with whatever my current reality is to the point that…
Avoidance Dysfunction
I found my inner bitch and ran with her. Courtney Love Why I Am Dysfunctional Today: Most of what we try to avoid is also what has the most meaning for us. People generally think that things have the meaning they decide it has. This is just another in a large collection of commonly held…
Illness Dysfunction
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they’re okay, then it’s you. Rita Mae Brown Why I Am Dysfunctional Today: Illness… How many people really feel well these days? Everyone seems to have something to…
Enjoy Dysfunction
I don’t know why we are here, but I’m pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves. Ludwig Wittgenstein Why I Am Dysfunctional Today: Enjoyment is certainly a wonderful thing, but life presents such a variety of things for a reason. By things, I mean experiences. What value would life have if…
Denial Dysfunction
It’s not denial. I’m just selective about the reality I accept. Bill Watterson Why I Am Dysfunctional Today: Denial is misunderstood. We think of it as if people actively and voluntarily resist truths that are otherwise readily available to them for understanding. This isn’t how reality or the human mind works, or can even work.…
Painful Dysfunction
I believe that everybody comes from pain and a certain amount of dysfunction. Mariel Hemingway Why I Am Dysfunctional Today: Life is stress. Learning is the acquisition of methods to cope with stress. I myself gain these skills slowly. Like everybody else, I take in a situation and then feel like I know what this…