Tag: embrace

  • Embrace the Truth

    Embrace the Truth

    Two subjects go together well: bonding and harmlessness. “Unity” would be both topics as one word. What is called “love” ultimately… unconditioned. I will discuss the conditions people labour under and perhaps why they arise, and how we can own them in ourselves instead of being owned by them. Internal focus. It doesn’t have to…

  • Embrace Light and Shadow

    Embrace Light and Shadow

    For any light you have a shadow. The truth of any spirit is found not in the object of the senses nor its opposite, but in between. But often we see only what we choose to. We declare one small facet of reality ‘truth’ and refuse to see it very deeply. People refuse to see…

  • Embrace Pleasure and Pain

    Embrace Pleasure and Pain

    Some would embrace their dreams, deny their nightmares, and say that they know what it is to dream. They will indulge in pleasure and shun pain, and say they know what it is to feel. But when confronted with the reflection of what they seek, its mirror image, they ask, “Why do I experience this?”…

  • Embrace Tolerance

    Embrace Tolerance

    Friends, what is tolerance? Polite respect for someone else, even if you don’t understand them. Excellent, and the odds are there will be plenty of people in life you don’t understand, because they come from a different culture than you, speak a different language, or just have to deal with a noticeably different living situation…

  • Embrace Objective Life

    Embrace Objective Life

    When you asked what thing we do despite social pressure, I was thinking, “Looking at/flirting with girls.” Yes. If you must start somewhere, start with the most readily available to experience. That isn’t shameful. It’s wise. People forget that they can flirt with their partners. Why is that? The idea that they can have joy.…

  • Embrace Your Truth

    Embrace Your Truth

    Has everyone seen the movie “The Matrix”? Just one part relates to the subject of relating. The thing the young boy tells Neo about bending the spoon with his mind. That there is no spoon. The characters in your world window are only virtually true. There is no spoon. There is no job. There is…

  • Choose What You Embrace

    Choose What You Embrace

    I find myself without a calling. I feel no direction. Ideas of my future come and go. Maybe I will amble along aimlessly in this life. It upsets my mind! There’s work to be done saving humanity, etc. Any suggestions? Maybe our task is to let go fully. Radical change is scary. I am experiencing something…