Tag: image

  • Body Image

    Body Image

    Here is a way to trigger/test your intuition. Consider your body. Just feel it, don’t think. Just be in your body. What is the first thing you know? No thinking. Just feel it and what do you know about your body? Barbie is inert plastic made to a silly image. Scary fiction. There is no…

  • Image of God

    Image of God

    Why is science now a religion? And why is psychology the “rational” definition of soul? In many peoples minds, if I say “I believe I am the image of God”, people will call me crazy. But if I accept the psychological terms and describe myself that way, then that is ok. The erroneous notion of…

  • Reality of Image

    Reality of Image

    Image magic is another one of those so simple it’s complicated topics. The basic premise behind image magic is that any image cannot be imagined or created without a connection to the object, place, or person being involved. That all we see stems from the same source as our ability to create images. Image magic…

  • Image as Mirror

    Image as Mirror

    Images serve as a mirror. Image magic works by what is called in hermetic philosophy, the law of sympathy. Like affects like. When you see something in the world that is in you, you actualize what is in you in the world. The law of attraction is also in it. Images in the mind attract…

  • Self Nature Vs Social Image

    Self Nature Vs Social Image

    Trust is simple. Do you believe the weather is out to get you or that an object meant to trip you? There is such a thing as human nature, but it isn’t a single uniform template. Each person has their own nature, and they also have their social image. These tend not to connect. Mostly,…

  • Image-ination


    How much of an impact do you feel your imaginations have had on your real life situations? Visualization can be described as the active use of imagination. Image-ination. Maybe we create our reality with our imagination. There are many wise old cultures that believe that very thing. It may even be proven true as science advances…

  • Painting the Self-image

    Painting the Self-image

    Painting the self image is discovering the spirit. Throughout your life your experiences have had a common theme. You likely ignored it because it just didn’t seem to make sense, and then ignored it because it began to make you feel uncomfortable, even threatened. The theme is actually the mirror image of your self image.…