Tag: mirror

  • Image as Mirror

    Image as Mirror

    Images serve as a mirror. Image magic works by what is called in hermetic philosophy, the law of sympathy. Like affects like. When you see something in the world that is in you, you actualize what is in you in the world. The law of attraction is also in it. Images in the mind attract…

  • Working With Familiars: Magic Mirror

    Working With Familiars: Magic Mirror

    All techniques to work with your familiar are ways of triggering right temporal lobe access. Now, from my earlier explanation, it sounded like the hemispheres mirror each other, yes? Well, they do in a very literal sense, so let’s start with the “Magic Mirror” technique. You get a mirror either of the old fashioned style…

  • Ritual Dark Mirror

    Ritual Dark Mirror

    Perhaps a less controversial form of twisted ritual. The path of the Heyoka. In short, the clown shaman. The Heyoka was considered completely insane, but insanity was seen as the same as inspiration and they were not actually insane. The tribe just didn’t try to reason with them. They accepted their paradoxical behaviour, but the…

  • Mirror of Your Own Treasures

    Mirror of Your Own Treasures

    I will offer one of my own rocks for consideration. No matter what I say and do, I never feel like I have really connected with other people. I always feel like I say something wrong or something boring or stupid, and usually feel like I should just avoid saying things at all. It’s terrifying to…

  • You Can Angle the Mirror

    You Can Angle the Mirror

    They have discovered the source of “talent.” It’s the myelinization process. It can be deliberately triggered, but not by trying to perform any single task as a whole activity. The task has to be broken down, and small parts of it rehearsed carefully with focused attention. What this all means is, well, science tells us…

  • Set of Languages to Mirror Mindset

    Set of Languages to Mirror Mindset

    So we actually have a set of “languages” that mirror the mindset I am describing. The set of languages are the worlds systems of divination, the trinary code of the i-ching, the holistic pictographs of the runes and other such systems. The rhythm and pattern and color based systems of Africa. These have all taken…