Tag: sexual

  • Sexual Role

    Sexual Role

    I know I may seem like the stereotypical sex obsessed male, but when you give your body place, and sex is the most powerful force to encourage that (that or strife), then your consciousness changes. Your engagement with all of life changes. I’m using it not from obsession, but from its actual primacy in consciousness,…

  • Sexual Values

    Sexual Values

    The idea of the matriarchal society is strong in a lot of cultures. Matriarchy by spiritual and not military leadership and the two coexisting. In the Yezidi culture (the non Islamic Kurds), women are not made to wear veils by anything but law, as supposedly Satanist as they are. As the Ophistes were seen, they…

  • Sexual Union

    Sexual Union

    Meditation is intimacy with self. That is what meditation is in essence. You are stopping and opening your awareness to “death” in the moment. Death, because you aren’t controlling anything. You are becoming aware that you are, even outside of doing and thinking. Can anyone name the primary cause of divorce? It’s sex. Sexual issues.…

  • Sexual Compulsions

    Sexual Compulsions

    Insane sexual compulsions actually form the substance of our social morals. How do they do that? Let’s look at the basic unwritten male/female agreement. Males are supposedly the natural aggressors, and supposedly this holds true in all things. Women are supposedly the nest makers, to be sought and have their lives and bodies “invaded.” Kind…

  • Sexual Sport

    Sexual Sport

    What would you say is the oldest sport that we still play today? Running and wrestling. The only one older than these two is sex, but today we don’t let that be sport. Sex is a competition? Instinctively, it is. Instinctively, the sexual act is undertaken as an expression of passions, all passion, channelled into…

  • Elemental Aspect is Sexual

    Elemental Aspect is Sexual

    Magick, like the world itself, is not mono- chromatic. The concepts of black and white are theoretical models, and have no real basis in any experiential practice. Absolutely, white is an abstract concept. Yes. Reality falls along a spectrum, perhaps one that is roughly the equivalent of the time space continuum, and as they say…