Tag: structure

  • Time Space Structure

    Time Space Structure

    How many of you have seen a figure in your dreams that you could not make out? That gave the inescapable impression of being totally independent of your mental function? We see dream characters all the time. We all to some degree know them for what they are. Are you referring to thought forms or…

  • Structure Of Consciousness

    Structure Of Consciousness

    A friend of mine told me that we communicate to the earth through our throat chakra. Each energy center or chakra operates in a form of parallel processing, and the parallel processing brings me to the question of structure of consciousness. Consciousness is a spectrum starting from what could be called the zero point. The zero…

  • Using Minds Innate Structure

    Using Minds Innate Structure

    So shall we get down under the hood so to speak? You are never awake. In fact, the only way science can differentiate between the awake brain and the sleeping brain is not the level of activity, but what regions are active at the time. Deep down in the core of your consciousness, your perception…

  • Coherent Structure

    Coherent Structure

    Is the medium the same thing as the information? Is the map the territory or information about the territory? The map is neither of those things. But the medium can shape and change the perception of the information. We have to distinguish between perception as we know it and perception of a more elementary level. How…

  • Atomic Structure is the Emergent Quality

    Atomic Structure is the Emergent Quality

    Our current atomic theory is really a neo-atomism. We don’t actually interact directly with any little particles, and they provide no solid empirical evidence that they even exist. Why scientists continue to use an atomist model is it explains the behaviour of matter and energy, as they are able to observe it enough that they…

  • Social Structure

    Social Structure

    Years ago Zuckerberg said that “the age of privacy is over” so I never joined Facebook. Also, it’s incredibly easy to “hack” so your private images aren’t really private. I think privacy is overrated. Don’t tell that to all the NSA haters. Oh, well the USA empire is evil. It’s the body politic that is…

  • Sumerian Language Structure

    Sumerian Language Structure

    More about the structure of Sumerian language is perhaps relevant as many contemporary thinkers and researchers would say it contains the very essence of their psyche. We do know something of their language and its structure though there is no surviving descendant form of it today. Even Latin still has vestiges in modern languages spoken…