Tag: where

  • Where is Peace?

    Where is Peace?

    Finding peace. We all try to do it. It is a long standing objective in philosophy and religion both, if not the oldest. Yet we seem to have a haphazard grasp of it at best. A big part of this is we seek it elsewhere. It’s forever elsewhere. Peace on earth, peace with other nations,…

  • Be Where You Are

    Be Where You Are

    Happiness is so simple it’s confusing, but generally it confuses children very little. We were all at one time happy. It’s sort of a natural state, and we experience it when we aren’t worried about all the “adult” things which we are taught as children. I have met some very adult children, and I find it…

  • Be Where We Are

    Be Where We Are

    Circumstance. People really believe in that idea don’t they? Circumstance, yes. People giving me the long list of how I could do something, but they can’t even though they say they want to. People have long lists of circumstance. The blind expectation thing again. With proper awareness expectation can embrace a range of outcomes, and…

  • Where Is The Problem?

    Where Is The Problem?

    We all will have a focus, but how do we know we are focused? How do we even know what focus is? If you conform to a standard you’re kind of being controlled by the creators of that standard instead of flowing with your own nature. Very true. We say we have a focus if…

  • Where Is Your Soul?

    Where Is Your Soul?

    We all, in the name of normality, seek to identify with everyone else, literally everyone else. The subconscious mind doesn’t make any distinctions. So you are Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, George W. Bush, Bill Gates, the Ayatollah of Iran, the leaders of every terrorist sect. You don’t have to choose to be these things. When…

  • Where Are You?

    Where Are You?

    I thought I would ask a simple question. Where are you? Can you be grounded and not know the ground you stand on? So anyone, where are you? Here. Where is here? Everywhere. Where is everywhere? Inside you, as is every when. How can I be inside me, if me is inside me? Because you…

  • No Where

    No Where

    Ok, so where are you? Y’aint in Kansas any more. No one is in Kansas, especially not the natives. This is why they created the dust bowl in the first place. Inside. You are inside what? What is there to be inside of? You exist. You exist because there is existence. My thoughts and senses.…

  • Where is your Heart?

    Where is your Heart?

    I will share my own orientation if that is desired? I centre in the profane, personally. Of my nature, I see the world as a decaying thing, hopes fail and dreams die. Ideals are profaned and promises broken. All reality seems an encompassing lie, but, that is my good foot. I am aware that I have the…