Reflection Island, Second Life
Reflection Island in the virtual world of Second Life is the home of the group, “One World, Many Paths”. Here, Dragon Intuitive’s Travis shares spiritual insights as the avatar Seth Haalan. Classes are in text chat, and it is an opportunity for interactive discussion on various spirituality topics. Visit and subscribe to our ‘One World,…
Lemonade Award
Thanks to Ocean of Perspective and to The Inspired Self for passing us the Lemonade Award! This award is passed to bloggers for showing great Attitude and/or Gratitude. Since the purpose of this site is to inspire living from your true nature and acting accordingly in the world, we thought we would pass the award onto some…
Restriction of Judgement
Judgement, what it is and what it does. Judgement is an inherently restrictive force in the mind, but it lays no restrictions on others not without some overt force. Our judgements restrict us. We do not perceive our world directly. We do not see things as they are. We see them as we judge them…
Truth Is
They say adversity doesn’t make you who you are, it shows who you are. It’s there. There is more than judgement. Like language is acquired by an infant, there is a language behind the mind/body connection. There is a language by which the world is assembled, and having failed to acquire that it makes things…
The Third Point
The shadow consciousness theory of psychology is the notion of suppression of our selves by our judgement. When we see other people doing what we have stopped ourselves from doing, it traumatizes the shadow consciousness. Our judgement traumatizes it reflexively. Being moral entrepreneurs, it brings doubts to our certainties, or enforces our bitterness and jealousy…
Judgement and Our World View
Judgement is something I have been dealing with lately, but there are some simple facts regarding it. As much as people may want to believe otherwise, we do not respond to an objective reality. The world and our lives as we see them are simply the bi-product of judgements me make. The first and foremost being…
Why do we Strive?
Some say the physical is dual, so we have to rise above the duality and become more spiritual. So the physical is profane? I find that people tend to trip over the idea of transcending the physical. It is confusing and a bit upsetting. Is this necessary? It seems to me that the spirit is already…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…