Category: Health

Death Experience


My grandmother just suffered the whole time of her treatment. Nothing nice came out of it except her death. To finally be free of that. She really didn’t need to suffer that way, but some patients are so sick that chemo doesn’t add any meaningful suffering. They become more like me, and although they do puke up blood and become very tired, they aren’t actually miserable. Did your grandmother become oddly peaceful? Or did she remain lucid for very long?

Though I do know a younger man who was in the hospice and was ready to die…but then saw my grandmother’s family all being together and he changed his mind. He went for treatments.

Infection from surgery gave her the suffering not really the chemo. They had to keep her in a coma as she was in too much pain so maybe she was at peace then. She was really angry most of the time I remember.

If you want to meet some very peaceful people, volunteer in a chemo ward. Though we are all human, and who they are remains who they are up until that last point. They have even confirmed that the process of neuroplasticity, the biological process they credit with being the reason why we learn, is ongoing right up to the very moment of death. The neural unplug stage doesn’t even occur until after the person has actually been dead for a bit.

Where is the soul when the body is in coma? The soul is where it always has been. It was never in the body so never leaves it. It never was the body. It’s just living through it.

The body is just hardware. In a sense, yes, though much more flexible and expressive than any hardware we might think of. It could be thought of as the perfect artistic medium. The first thing someone in a Near Death Experience notices, and they always register it as strange, is that they haven’t gone anywhere. They don’t immediately stop relating to the space they were in. Most religious types actually expect immediate departure, but no one ever reports it happening. The reason for this is there is no place the soul is going to go. It doesn’t depart. They always find the tunnel, but it always feels like just something that was supposed to be there.

What is the light and tunnel they see then? Is that just your mind being cheeky? No fancy supernatural light show. It often just looks like a part of the building they were in. No, it’s not deception. They really did die for a time, and they really don’t just leave. When they find that embedded “tunnel”, and it is embedded, you can think of that place of being the infrastructure of this one, like the basement, or attic. It’s not really all that strange or scary. It can be comforting, can even be boring.

Like when the screen shows the windows logo before it opens the desk top?

Their “trip” to the other side always feels like just walking down the hall, moving over into the next room. Why anything is surprising at all is when they get there they are greeted, exposed not to an alien planet or plane of existence, but by one that is very familiar. Often described as, if anything, being more familiar than this one, but it’s structured differently than here. They feel very “connected” and they feel intense emotion.

Men in Black was right. In a sense this is true, it just doesn’t require an alien planet. If everything goes well it’s just like having a long pleasant chat with a trusted friend for a time, and that’s always the preferred scenario, but it doesn’t always go right and others don’t really have a choice in the matter.

Do some souls not find the way home and haunt earth? What is being felt or heard when people come in contact with spirits then? No one really haunts earth, because there really isn’t an earth like we think of it. It seems to the living like they haunt earth, because the two states are not separate, but for the departed soul they exist in a way that has severed their relationship to the living world. They can’t truly see the living. When they do they don’t really understand what they are seeing. The dead don’t haunt us, we haunt them. It’s the crossroads, a nexus between states, a vortex of psychic energy.

And some get really annoyed at being haunted. It’s not the dead who actually toss things around. They don’t have any more control of the vortex than the living do. It’s that vortex I speak of that gets called a poltergeist, not the actual soul.

So it’s energy moving things? But it’s not conscious. The vortex isn’t, and the soul is, but deeply immersed in a very bad dream.

I’m fascinated with ghost hunters right now so I want to know if what they capture is real or not, the EVPs. There is energy and a sort of space the soul interacts with, so there is a resonance that can be detected.

I‘m not convinced they are genuinely spiritual. That the ghost hunters are genuinely spiritual? Or the ghosts?

Well, the stuff they record, voices and energy readings on the gauges. It’s a quantum effect, but their readings are very superficial. It’s like seeing a patch of skin and claiming you know what the animal is and how its existence works.

I can only claim to know one of the cities they have visited, which was Edinburgh and yes the place has a really unique vibe to it. It’s not a bad feeling, kind of nice. And it wouldn’t be bad necessarily.

Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive


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