Category: Health

Inspiration from Disease


So back to my core principle, disease is strength. Even now in the world of the living, they are discovering not patterns of health, nothing in their understanding of genetics or biochemistry is proving to be an answer. There is no fix in the flesh, no bug to decode. I promise you there is no fix in the spirit either, answers run much deeper than that. I say disease is strength, because everything you do, everything you have done, everything you have learned and will learn, will be because something disturbs you, makes you unsettled, uneasy, dissatisfied. Is there ever really any other reason?

Could another term be drive? If you prefer, but to me it all looks like disease. I never fully achieved life. They have even confirmed the connection now between mitochondrial “brown out” and autism. Things do not seem as vivid to me, as stimulating or satisfying, as motivating, nothing having to do with biological existence, than it.

So is the virus dissatisfied or are we? Viruses are peaceful. Viruses are not disease, they are paints. A little stray dob of water color waiting to be made into a happy little bird.

Disease is actually your body fighting the invader, right? Disease is not mechanical. They have tried to find a mechanical reason. They still do not know why some people heal and others don’t. Some die of a flu and some never die until their body just wears past the point of being able to function at all. So no mechanism can explain disease, hasn’t yet, and if my gifts don’t lie to me, never will.

How is the virus transformed. What does it get out of infecting us? Everything infects you. Your own jumping genes infect you. Your body can and does express an immune reaction to your own genes, your own RNA, selectively.

The virus is data, your body is data, the virus is following the computer science of the medium we manifest in. It isn’t personal, and the virus itself isn’t even disease. You can actually carry a virus for quite some time, even your whole life, and never have it stress you one bit. They even recently discovered some material in human cells that they thought was just an ancient retrovirus. So they thought they could delete it, and the cell should grow better, yes? Would make sense?

But it didn’t? Though this retrovirus is not part of our DNA, when they deleted it the cell lost all ability to differentiate. Without this virus which is not “us”, your body could never have formed. Humanity would never have evolved. No “disease”, no you. You would instead be yogurt.

What makes you think I’m not yogurt right now? I know yogurt well. It’s a very open and unassuming part of the choir of souls.

Is that the strength of disease? Actually, the strength of disease is that everything you have wanted to do, everything that you have done better, everything that you have practiced or grown in, is something you undertook because of something you feared, something that disturbed you. You are not inspired by happiness, you are not motivated by joy or enjoyment, you grow not because you are happy and at home in those world, but because you are not. You grow strong because of your weaknesses, not despite them.

What is exercise, but programmed stress of the muscles?

That horrible thing you fear you are, that poor lost soul, the miserable worthless loser, is your guardian angel, your greatest wisdom, your truest friend.

What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.

Your inner demon actually scares you, not because it lies to you, but because it tells you the truth, and it really only tells you a single simple truth. Be true to yourself, which scares you at every turn, in every situation, at every moment of your life.

Yes, it is scary but fun to unravel.

We visualize demons as holding these horrible fiery lashes, but it’s not their hand that holds the lash, it’s yours. You lash your soul with your senses, with your seeking, with your diversions and distractions and idealism, with your principles and internal conflict, with your shame and pride. The fire of that lash is a fire of the vanities, not of any malice the universal secretly holds you. Even from my own benighted frightening view of the world, I can still tell you the universe doesn’t hate you. You hate you, but you don’t have to.

Be true to yogurt…eat it right? That is exactly true. Embrace yogurt, don’t use it. Be moderate with it, don’t abuse it.

I buy the one I enjoy not the cheapest one. That’s the best policy.

Is it ok to make it into a curry sauce? Yogurt is open to change, actually generally enthusiastic about it, much more so than humans are.

So what do you think of all this? Am I off on some psychotic narcissistic trip? Developed a bad case of the schizophrenia?

I think this is the highest wisdom.

Yes, I loved it, embraced it.

Is it clear how disease is relevant in spirituality? How it is meaningful?

It’s core to our growth.

Disease as we normally think about it, merges as a sort of noise. It actually comes about from too much effort at control, too much deletion.

So they could likely never find cures for disease because there is nothing to cure? Exactly.

What happens when you erase pencil from a page too much?

You make a hole in the paper. We can take better care of our paper.

Do diseases ever truly become eradicated then? No such thing as wiped out viruses? Disease itself will not be erased, but its manifestation in the common way may diminish, even theoretically disappear. Disease isn’t about the flesh.

We have had measles outbreaks because parents won’t vaccinate their kids. I’m not even sure who is right in this.

Yes, we have handled our conventional understanding of disease foolishly. There has been a blatant and willful ignorance of the ways of nature with the natural consequences that go with that.

Measles occur in vaccinated populations.

I can see how maybe getting the measles might actually be the way to get truly vaccinated, but then some people will die from that.

More are injured or die from vaccinations.

We actually have innate antiviral processes which so called medical mercury doesn’t help. Ask any doctor and they will tell you in no uncertain terms that mercury is poison, lethal poison, but in vaccines it’s ok? When it’s just a little bit, it’s ok?

I bet infection is worse in completely sterile environments. There is no good bacteria to fight the bad ones. They have confirmed there is a very concrete connection between sterile environments and disease. Actually even without pathogens present there is a form of biological breakdown that begins to occur. You literally could not survive a completely sterile environment, not being confined to it for long periods.

I had no idea they used mercury. That’s dangerous for pregnancy isn’t it? Mercury is hideously dangerous for pregnancy.

Do you know why Chernobyl killed the land around it?

Because it killed every plant and animal? It actually didn’t kill them all, it sterilized it to death.

Their theories about how nuclear emissions effect life are proving mistaken. They thought it would just kill things, and it did kill many things, and they thought it would make anything inhabiting the land sickly, twisted and barely able to survive. This has actually not happened. As anemic as they thought things living around Chernobyl should be, with their natural anti-oxidant compounds all tripped because of the radiation, the native animals now show an unusually high concentration of anti-oxidant compounds. They have adjusted or adapted to live there, are actually thriving.

That’s how it treats cancer cells? Just stripping everything around it even the healthy tissue. That is what radiation treatment does, yes. It is an effort to starve the cancer, and it’s foolish.

That’s why is makes you look mal-nourished. It is indeed why.

They call you a survivor if you stand a chance of living fiver years after the treatment. That’s considered a huge success. What do you think?

Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive


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