Category: Ignorance

Limits Of Perception


The topic is ignorance, and no, it was not a hint to anyone who felt it was some stab. I felt I might be able to offer something on what we all face, the limits of our perception.

We all have a limit to how deep our awareness runs in any given area. For every facet of life we are deeply immersed in, there is another that we contact more shallowly, and some not at all. There is a lot of critical thought and commentary people share about ignorance. Often fling like an angry monkey flinging waste. But in fact, it’s just the pot calling the kettle black. We all face some interesting challenges in dealing with the areas where our perception fails us. Is this not perhaps one of the things most worthy of attention?

Ignorance is bliss? Not if it burdens us, rather than unburdens us.

The burden is a choice. Is it always an informed choice? To be ignorant is not in and of itself a choice to my view. We are all ignorant of some things, it’s even necessary. We are not personally responsible for every little thing in reality, and we don’t have to know it all.

We can not know all, although we are ever a part of it. Does this not differ between individuals?

Areas of ignorance differ, as do areas of “expertise.” Expertise can only arise by a process of excluding some other facet of awareness.

To be ignorant allows a person to learn? Yes. We can use a door when we first acknowledge that it is a door and will obstruct us if we don’t open it.

Claiming to be an expert draws great expectations, but is there some level of ignorance in the expectation? Expectations require the exclusion of parts of the causative dynamic. Often events interact in ways we don’t anticipate. So yes, expectations are a form of ignorance, but to some degree are perhaps necessary.

Could that be ignorance in itself? Yes. If it were enough for humanity to grow and sit and absorb nutrients until we die, would we not have been better born as rutabagas? The quirks of our mind are not totally without meaning as the most primal forms still are understood by how they limit our awareness. I am this and not that.

What if ideas are part of the nutrients for humans anyway? Oh, I would agree that our ideas are in a sense a “food” for the spiritual and perhaps psychological growth of other people, and even other species. Thus we domesticate many. Even if our mark shows a lack of sound judgement, maybe the error itself has purpose. Maybe survival of the fittest? But it is my contention that our awareness partakes of a greater wisdom than we permit ourselves.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive


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