Preserve Consciousness
What part of the matter in our body is necessary to retain consciousness? Brain. What part is necessary to spark consciousness? Neurons? There are some who think that if you could just preserve the neural net, you would preserve that person’s consciousness, the rest of the brain being unnecessary. They have even managed to run…
Information Theory of Death
The basic metaphysical concept behind cryonics is the information theory of death. According to the information theory of death, you aren’t dead until the structures responsible for generating or expressing your consciousness are damaged beyond hope of recovery. It is scientifically true that a great many parts of the neuron survive intact well after what…
What is a Person?
Today, we are going to discuss the metaphysics of cryonics. What is a person? Organic matter? A collection of genetic code? Identity automaton? A model of psychology? Interesting. Shouldn’t it be easy to say what a person is? Yes, not being able to define it is a bit disturbing as we say we are one.…
Clear as a Dream
So yes, basic elements of green magick… They don’t use complex chants or symbolism, math or astrological correspondences beyond knowing the state the moon is in. The vocal component tends to be more like animal sounds, or a child’s babble. Ever hear a shaman during ritual? Native American? Any actually, but to most that’s often…
Seed a New Growth
So shall we discuss the practice of green magick? All green magick is primitive, not meaning it’s dull or unsophisticated, but it is elemental. An act of green magick takes the most primal aspects of the world around us and our experience, and brings them together to create a new thing, or rather to seed…
Green Magic Dreaming
Notice people with green thumbs all seem to have something in common? An element of calmness? Ever met or seen an anxious or frantic person who could nurture plants well? Plants grow for me like crazy, but I’m not sure how “calm” I am. I would say at your core you are calm, just likely…
Dreaming Through Us
Now let’s look at sexual attraction. If it’s just lust, what makes us stay? To nurture the possible off-spring? If it’s just biology, what makes us not only want to rear our young but live around other people while they care for theirs as well? How do we behave when we fall in love with…
World Dream
How do we know we are alive? How do we know we are awake? Would you say there is a difference between feeling alive and feeling awake? For a moment consider that. Does being alive feel the same as being awake? It does, yes. So you don’t feel alive while dreaming? I feel a bit…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…