Your Body Thinks
What happens when the flow of water in a whirlpool is somehow obstructed? It breaks up. In the end, yes, and can make some really weird noises before it finally dissipates, no? When you look at your conscious mind, would you say its processes are seamless? Contiguous? In harmony with each other or do they…
Autobiographical Memory
You have learned a great many things in your life. What portion of those actually serve a constructive purpose? Being hit just feels terrible. It’s like being bullied but you can’t stop it because you’ve been taught that authority is always right. That would be a non-constructive consciously learned thing. How about baking a cake?…
First Rule We Function With
You aren’t conscious of your perceptual habits, and are only semi-conscious of your habits of attention. You are fully conscious of your habits of judgement, your mental faculties, your grasp of language, your deliberately learned skills, your memory of social exchanges, things like that. Is instinct a combination of perception and attention? That’s exactly what…
Elemental Personalities
I think watching my mom feed my younger brother and helping her do that gave me my drive to cook for people. I used to always play with my dolls that way, feeding them even, putting their mouths to my chest as a mom would a baby. Indeed. Very young children don’t have habits of…
Habits of Sensation
Part of the reason I emphasize that the senses think, is that even before you begin trying to figure out what you are experiencing, your senses begin learning it. The rhythm of your legs moving as you walk, the tension in your eyes as your scan them across a room searching for some small detail.…
Senses Think
The mind is a universe in a sense. As a recent book title seems to suggest, we have both those elements of our mind that are readily available to our awareness, and those things they thought are definitely a part of our awareness. They just never seem to surface so we can look at them…
Big Om Consciousness
Tell me about consciousness. As a field or as people identify with it? As the Big Om. Ah, actually that is the axis mundi of consciousness. It serves as a central communications nexus. It’s what leads people to symbolism such as the world tree or the sacred mountain. I can taste it, but I’m not completely…
Computer Screen of the Self
Now as for whether we are already living in a computer simulation… There is a facet of physics that would suggest we are not. Physics is proving to defy the nice symmetrical model they are looking for. Now what happens when you introduce asymmetry into any given vector of motion? Erratic path? Go in circles?…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…