Nothing is Self-Evident
I have an ambitious topic, so I hope you bear with me. I will start with a question in order to try and steer this topic in a relevant way. What is truth to you, my friends? The opposite of lies. How would you identify opposition to lies? Proof. What is proof? Facts, corroborating evidence.…
Change How You Be
None of this I’m saying is new. Shall we get to the new stuff? It’s been popular to tell people to change how they think, and that will supposedly change everything. Others say that they should change how they feel, and that will change everything. Have either of these had the miraculous impact they claim…
Virtualization is Realization
Science doesn’t have to fail. Religion doesn’t have to fail. Society doesn’t have to fail, but it does have to stop seeing itself as “real”, as being a reality that is the one reality that should win out over any others, because it’s the “Truth.” We have an urge to virtualize, because this is the…
You have a body, and the body thinks one way. It gives you visions to see, tastes to sample, emotions to react to. It does a great job of doing all of these things, and it prefers to avoid change. It cannot conceive of difference. This is why we have to learn these differences from…
Supreme Imitators
Historically, has evolution been a voluntary affair for most species? We act like animals all the while claiming advancement beyond them because our animal complexity is greater? Is greater complexity progress? Have we chosen our social structures? Do we choose our communal, industrial and social pursuits? Can we name something that is actually a newly…
There is a personality disorder known as normopathy. It’s like psychopathy but differs in that rather than substituting an imaginary reality for what they perceive, they substitute a social norm regardless of how that affects their wellbeing or impairs their daily function. They can be driven to emotional breakdown when something prevents them from asserting…
Goals for Awareness
As humans, we seem to continually strive to make our situations better and our awareness more complete. How do we come to the conclusion that our awareness is incomplete? We take ownership for our life. Those who don’t, don’t seem interested in developing their self but just keep hitting their head on a brick wall,…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…