Natural Starting Path
Everyone tends to understand things best if they start in a particular way. They can take on any other point of view sure, but they will not understand it as well as they could if it had started on the right foot, started with the right path. My own reason for sudden shifts of mood…
Gnani Exercise
I have asked this repeatedly. It was actually in preparation for this point. Though the question still has no wrong answer, I can clearly explain the exercise. Shall we do a Gnani exercise? No one’s answers are wrong, but everyone who is willing should participate, and then I will explain. If you will, which paths…
First Confront the Self
The reason one attempts to identify their path in yoga, is not because they need to classify themselves. That motive itself would be a serious stumbling block. To not move with knowledge is to lack real understanding. I like the idea of taking a stand with the knowing that you can move on from it.…
Growth in Understanding
Gnani yoga doesn’t of necessity preclude reverence for a deity though many traditions do not incorporate such reverence in their core teachings. This is one of the elements that all schools of yoga have in common. The gods they traditionally venerate are not seen as especially invested in anyone’s specific affairs. The wheel of karma…
Mind Merged with Matter
We have discussed the karma of action without attachment to outcomes. We have discussed the yoga of devotion that absorbs the self and thus liberates it. Gnani yoga is a bit more like the scientific ideal without the materialistic bias. In Gnani, through contemplation of ancient wisdom, meditation and speculative exploration of our experiences of…
My Perception of Humanity
It takes me a great deal to really believe in people’s innocence or good intentions, but I can understand someone else’s purity. If I let myself experience that moment fully with them, I can feel the genuine loving motive, and although I know it will pass, I can allow that genuine good moment to exist…
Common Ground in Perception
Would my self-identification be welcome? I am one of those action oriented types. My developmental disorder has created conditions that denied “stability” from day one. Most who fall into my medical category actually shut down completely. It isn’t catatonia. They have an “allergy” to any sensory impression, everything is pain, and everything is too much…
What Common Ground?
Perhaps an experiential example… They have tested this under functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI). They have deliberately set up a pattern recognition test. In the test they set up a group to participate in the testing, but only one is a test subject. The rest are knowing controls. While under FMRI, they flash a set…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…