Source in Astarte
Asteroth has his source in Astarte. Astarte was Asheras more aggressive twin, a goddess of fertility and war. Female? Yes. Astarte was seen as the protective sister of the earth mother as well as a mother figure herself to a lesser degree, and the two were seen to rule the divine kingdom with Astarte as…
Asteroth Corruption
In human conscious- ness there has been some serious ambiguity. Humanity has been maturing very slowly as seen from a human point of view. One of the inner conflicts is the issue of who is actually the bearer of the gift of life. In older pagan cultures, females were widely regarded as the source of…
Embodiments of Pure Emotion
We are talking about Asteroth. Asteroth is a demon. Is this safe territory to go into? What would you, my friends, say that “gods” are? Any answer is a legitimate answer. Beings more powerful than humans who wish to be worshipped? Benevolent comes to mind but the Old Testament counters that. Omni-powerful? Beings outside our reality.…
Magickal Alignment
Yellow magick is like a web search. Red magick is like a hunt. Purple magick is like an ad campaign. Each facet of magick is potentially its own life style and could be an entire life path. People tend to pursue one, and very often at the expense of any other. Most people these days…
Influencing Red Magick
Life force is the base medium, where psychic energy is more the energy expended by the artist. People can interact with life force more consciously, more deliberately. This is the essence of red magick in practice. You can anticipate coming turmoil in the life force around you and modify it, like a white blood cell…
Life Force Body
You have a morphology in the life force around you, a life force body with unique geometry as well as metaphysical traits. You color the life force flowing around you and through you. The only real life force shallows are found near the terminally ill, at least as far as humans go, but you have…
Life as an Elemental Force
Red magick is life magick. Not life magick in perhaps the more commonly thought of sense, it is life force magick, becoming attuned to life as an elemental force. Life is an energy that doesn’t originate with us as individuals, and continues to behave according to its nature even when it is “in” us. How…
Many Lives in a Single Life
Shall I discuss the many lives in a single life? I do understand that people experience what seems like different selves. From both my experience and my research, I have both learned and witnessed this shift in others, often radical actually, and just as often unnoticed by them. They never lose their core context, but…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…