Processes Behind Yellow Magick
Have you ever successfully shaken off an old idea just by ignoring it? Starving it of mental energy. You can wilfully starve an idea of mental energy? The more I resolve to not think of something, the more I think about it. Don’t think about an elephant. I just did. You can replace it with…
Magick of the Mind
I have been doing the colours of magick as a loose series not necessarily in any particular order. The colour system I am referring to corresponds to the traditional colours assigned to the chakras. Red to the root chakra, etc. Today, we are talking about yellow magick. It’s the magick of the mind. To affect change…
Object of Devotion
Any questions about bhakti yoga/the devotional path”? There was an earlier question about whether anything can be the object of devotion. The answer was complicated so I put it off until now, but the answer is yes. Everything that exists has it’s existence in the divine, in the universal spirit that gives rise to all…
Paths of Yoga Suit Individual Temperament
The paths of yoga each suit an individual’s temper- ament differently, and everyone experiences some element of each of the aspects no matter what their personal nature makes them lean toward. For some, using the channel of love and devotion that our social circuits use just doesn’t engage them fully and leaves them uneasy. One…
State of Being in Love
How do we know what love is? Do we know it just by saying it? A feeling? Can you describe the feeling clearly? I think we know the feeling before we can really understand it and not be afraid of it. I can’t and I think that’s why poetry gets so elaborate. People struggle with…
Devotion to the Divine
Shall I start with personal gods or go into the complicated one first? Personal. Ok. The different traditional paths of bhakti have their root in traditions leading way back into the history of India. They refer to them as lineages. The divinity being shown devotion represents principles that are seen as both essential and transcendental…
Worth Ship
Whereas karma yoga is the yoga of action, bhakti yoga is the yoga of love, but not necessarily the love we think of most readily. The practices behind bhakti yoga resemble what we might at the surface call worship, but just so that we are all clear; What is worship? Devoting ourselves to something? To…
Fear of Physical Dependence
Fear of physical dependence as if I were paralysed. Describe that fear? Why do we fear physical dependency? Helplessness. Loss of control over personal body. Yes, loss of control. Do you have control? And a burden to others. Do you impose no burdens on others while well? I can feed myself and get around independently,…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…