Fear of Overcoming Fear
I have painted a scary picture of the world today in Subjugation, no? If it’s only moderately scary than excellent, because I want to deal in something other than fear itself. Can you fear things as well as fear your own fear? Can you be afraid of heights and afraid of fear at the same…
Mind the Landscape While You Shape Reality
To the schizo- phrenic, their hallu- cinations make their brain behave as if what they are experiencing is literally true. While you sleep and dream, your brain doesn’t even really use your sensory centers or the banks of memory associated with those in a “reasonable” way. Instead, the dreaming brain generates all those vivid experiences…
Hack What is Hacking Us
So, what would you create? You will be what you desire to be. You will be what you imagine being, and more specifically, what you have lead others to image you are. That’s the really sort of twisted part of this whole dynamic in reality. Ironic, in trying to ‘control’ ourselves we allow others to control…
How to Counter Subjugation
Denial is insufficient counter for all the forces involved behind subjugation magick. If you reject every form of stimuli the world has to offer, you will still not be free. Idle minds are the puppet master’s playground. What you refuse to hear just goes more directly to your subconscious mind. Even science points out that…
Influencing Techniques
Has anyone heard of the concept of hex death? For a member of one of the more “primitive” communities, having a reputation of being someone possessed of supernatural power opens a window. The person need not publicly pronounce ill intention toward anyone in the community. Just the contact they have with various members of their…
Control Through Fear
I ponder Behaviour- ist Psychology and B.F. Skinner. And yes, even right now a form of behaviourism is being advocated as the primary way to treat autism in young children. Using “aversives” as well as other behaviour we would see as grossly coercive if it were used on us. Aversives = physical and emotional punishment,…
Psychic Driving
This is our dark metaphysics class, so in it we tend to get into topics some may find questionable. The intent is not to offend as much as it is to inform and perhaps thereby forearm or disarm fears that might not be entirely justified. With that being said, I will begin. In the worlds…
Reality is Self-Correcting
There is nothing that’s unforgivable, because there is nothing that is ultimately judgeable. Reality doesn’t care for human judgement. Even when things get derailed, they are just shuffled back into the mix. Nothing is ever left un-reconciled. This “mix” could seem to justify anything, but I see your point, and it is indeed a comforting…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…