Law of Training
Your mind sorts your observations into categories. This is as true of women as it is of men though the structure of these categories shows differences between the genders. You have only a short list of possible characters or personalities that your mind will assign to anyone you make the acquaintance of. These categories might…
Working Memory
I know I’m searching for something. Something so undefined that it can only be seen by the eyes of the blind. A Billy Joel song lyric but also related to tonight’s topic, the law of contagion. Human beings generally perceive themselves to see the world as a whole. Even neuroscience now says that this is…
Gain Control of Desire and Thought
People are not conscious of their conscious minds. Their conscious minds move like a restless sleeper in bed, and their conscious thought really in no functional way differs from dream. Different medium, same content. Where one can gain control of desire and thought is in the understanding of what thought is, imagination. You live in…
Fake an Event
When you think in the normal way, you aren’t actually computing. You are being computed. The subconscious mind is generating the same old software loops, but you can consciously direct your conscious mind. You can “fake” an event. Your subconscious mind will only disbelieve messages from the conscious mind if they directly contradict instinct. It…
Subconscious Knows Everything
Your subconscious forms the patterns that prioritize one desire over another, and your subconscious prioritizes internal disturbance over external stimulation. Anything that registers as illness or toxin gets higher priority than say something like bright light or heat. The distress caused by stress hormones is not differentiated from the distress caused by pathogens so your…
You Aren’t in Control
Your inner consciousness, your subconscious mind, cannot make distinctions between concepts of want and need. If a feeling moves you, especially if it disturbs you, it’s just a need. The only difference it knows is urgency. Now here is something that may surprise you. Do you feel you are in control of pursuing your desires?…
Being Built of Desire
Life without motivation, could we call it life? Even bacteria have a raw will to live. Lack of motivation is pretty much the definition of dead I’d say. We have motivation even when we don’t experience “motivation” on a conscious level. This is why we experience things like hunger and thirst. We don’t have to mentally…
The Mind-Body Connection: Feeding Your Inner Spirit by Caitlin Stripes
Think about the day after Halloween when you were a child. The crash that comes after the sugar high. And now think about experiencing that, even in a diluted form every day. Odds are? You already do. The traditional western diet has come under fire in recent years, and for good reason. Portion sizes have…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…