Ideas Aren’t Enough
The first cities did not arise from the influence of financial powers. If it were just as simple as securing material resources, society would never have moved past the tribal era. The first cities were established not by chieftains and material wealth but by priests, and we still insist on our priests serving as intermediaries…
Mystery Societies
Behind the outward forms of society are the principles that originally gave rise to those organizations that brought people together to live in villages and then cities, and later metropolitan complexes, and these forces have been explored through what have been called the “mysteries” for a long time. The ritual dramas enacted by societies like…
Societies Power
Today we will not be talking about society in general, but more specifically secret society. Not specific secret societies, but the process that gives rise to secret societies. Society itself is a bit mysterious even in the normal sense. It’s the infrastructure by which all human power and potential is harnessed nominally to serve the…
Which Type of Psychic Is Best for You? by Katie Leigh
Psychics and mediums have been assisting people that are seeking help and guidance for many centuries. In fact, shamanism, one of the earliest forms of spiritual guidance has been used for thousands of years. Today, psychics are as popular as ever with people that are seeking spiritual guidance or maybe answers to personal problems or…
Links of Causal Contagion
Shall we explore the possible non-psychological basis for the law of contagion? It’s reasonable to assume that the chain of cause and effect in an environment includes everything in that environment, yes? To be affected by an event, something had to be present there to be affected. Well, your subconscious or instinctive mind makes connections…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…