What is Kindness?
I will start by asking, What is kindness? Treating people as they wish to be treated. Treating someone with consideration for their well-being. Freeing people to be themselves. We all know what kindness is when we experience it from others, but evaluating what kindness is in a concrete sense isn’t as simple as it may…
Dukkha in Horror Movies
I’m learning to enjoy change. After you learn to enjoy change, you can learn to direct it. Have you ever seen the Hellraiser movies? The guy with the nails in his head? Yes. They are called cenobites. They are the disciples of the demon Leviathan. There is a truth reflected in the movie, if only…
Path of Suffering
Would I recommend just taking on the path of suffering for kicks? Hell, no. I mean that word seriously, HELL no. But it is possible that of your nature you gravitate to it, and you would do yourself an unnecessary disservice if you sought to follow that other path that does not express your nature.…
Mastering the World
Those who cannot master themselves seek to master the world, but it does go deeper. Those who will not master themselves succeed in mastering the world. “And lose their soul”? No, not without falling from the path. For those who understand the role of the will in suffering, realize that their will is the same…
Suffering Embraced
Some might ask why one would work a dark magick? Why one would ignore all the warnings about the dark paths of the spirit? There is a simple reason. Suffering embraced is wisdom. They accept the consequences of their action because in the unfolding of events they gain deeper understanding of the way and structure…
Dance in the Fire
Those who teach transcendence or liberation from suffering provide practices that give us the experience of the essential or root nature of the human mind or soul. We can come to see a lasting presence for ourselves outside of any specific object of experience. See how we are one with all things and just as…
Dimensions to Suffering
Just a reminder, this is a dark metaphysics subject. I haven’t written an advisory warning yet, but no actual offense is meant. This being the type of class it is, we are talking about dukkha, but we will not be talking about liberation from dukkha, not as tonight’s focus. Perhaps some clarification… Dukkha is Sanskrit…
Culture of Story
This culture of the druids feels to me like Pantheism or maybe Animism? I believe the word is panentheism, pan•en•the•ism/ Noun: The belief or doctrine that God is greater than the universe and includes and interpenetrates it. In fact, the concept is similar to that described in old Judaism, poorly understood these days. In the Bible,…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…