Relationship of Trees
Can you give us a bit of a chronological time-frame for ogham script? Neo-lithic? Ah, well the exact origin hasn’t been firmly established, but to date the presence of the ogham script has been traced as far back as two centuries BC. In fact, it’s commonly believed that a lot of the found examples of…
Acting to Preserve the Balance
Much of the world’s oldest lore is difficult to fully comprehend in our era, difficult but not impossible. Tonight we are talking about the ogham script, the written form of the old Irish language. It is thought of as a “tree” script for two reasons. Many of its characters are named after trees, and the…
Art is Life
Magical thought taught us that when man becomes predatory beast, it’s a bad thing. Werewolf. What does science seem to want to make humans? Describe humans as? They are busy working on ways to “bait” the hairless monkey, and they are having some success. I’m sort of lingering on the notion of self-expression when it…
Core Order
They are discovering a great deal about the behaviour of the human mind. They will very likely unearth all the “science” there is to have from it. They will not understand the mind or its functions without art. It will have to be an art first and foremost. It is the core order. Art helps…
Return to Clarity
Magic, art and religion were the sum body of human knowledge for quite some while. Each body of knowledge evolved, and as human experience of the world and each other grew, these understandings changed. Religion gave rise to secular law, and really still does. Art gave rise to philosophy and a great many cultural movements.…
Split Between Art and Religion
More than a few of the world cultures have no word for religion. They actually use their word for law, and community cohesion revolved around the insights held by the priests. In some cultures artists and priests were allies where the spirit behind the cultures law nurtured the spirit of the artist. Then they sought…
We Can or We Must
Why do we do anything at all? We do things to feel good? Yes. We live in a living world, and the ways of our world lead to changes in our world, changes in body and mind. It’s inescapable. But I must ask, would you want to escape it if you could? No, variety is…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…