Do What You Prefer
I hope to do today’s subject justice, as art has a great deal of meaning for many people, more so than many older views and traditions did. My writing class teachers even think of writers as artists. There is no less to creating a tale than to creating a painting. They are artists, just less emphasis…
Art Appeal
I’d love to go back in time and witness the first ever spoken word. It was probably an obscenity or an exclamation of awe. They have recently done a study regarding art. Art originated with religion on earth, so did cities, but of interest is the fact that when we are calm, art registers as more…
Ethereal Beings
I always though vampires were dark angels. Ah, vrolok are spirits suffering the punishment of the grave. Without free will, would angels have something similar to a hive mind? The angels in most lore just have the equivalent of really heavy karma. They have a mind of their own, but their ultimate fate is predestined.…
Exile of Lilith
Whereas the dark angels were the very divine embodiments of wrath and despair, there were orders that embodied hope and wisdom, strength and growth. But there was no split between these, no defiance of the supreme being. In fact, the original references to Satan in the oldest stories originally bore the word for sin, suggesting…
Better Than Death
There are some accounts of human apotheosis, a sort of reincarnation. Humans ascending to service in the order of angels. This is likely the origin of more than a few angels. Ezra was a human judge in life, and it was said that he passed from the world without the taint of death, becoming then…
Views on Angels
I think angels in general are scary, because as I understand it they don’t have free will? That sounds dangerous to me. Their will is taken up by their innate power. They are the literal avatars or incarnations of the workings of the universe itself. Like being in the military, you have to follow orders.…
Angelic Dark Orders
Angel lore is very old. Some form of the concept of angel has existed in every culture. The word itself is derived from a Greek word, angelos, and was not even the word used by the Jewish culture we typically associate most of the commonly known names with. They referred to angels as Malach, the…
Activism in Context
The Zarathustrans heavily influence faith and philosophy all around them. The contemporary demonology, you might have some familiarity with, would have been an extension of their view and practices. I must emphasize that demonology is NOT demonolatry. They studied the demons of their cosmology in order to understand and diagnose the problems that occurred in…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…