Eros is Passion
Today we are talking about Eros. In English, we have only the one word, love, but in Greek they have four words for love. We will be talking about only one of these. Eros could be described as passionate love. It does have links to sexuality, but isn’t limited to it. May I ask, what…
Speak Human
Shall I go into the social control mechanism and how you personally can use it? That inner instinctive mind, they speak to by painting pictures of situations that shift your behaviour, can be influenced by you with your own deliberate thought. Would you say nurturing a tulip or a house plant is moral? The behaviour our societal morality leads…
Truth Exists
Is it fair to say that the phrase “truth is relative” has become pretty viral? How often do we hear the phrase “truth is relative”? It’s become a rule of modern society, and it’s the basis of current social engineering. They want you to accept this view. If you accept the concept that truth is…
Memetic Reinforcements
We have our own personal filters. We form these filters unconsciously. They are digested thumbnail maps, or pictures of life, and our experiences with any specific set of circumstances. We may feel good in the kitchen because one of our filters tells us we know what to do there and we do it well. On…
Memetic Content
Everyone familiar with memetics? It’s like genetics but relates to the communication and reproduction of units of culture, information and communication. Your memories of your life are filled with memetic content, popular music, scenarios from commercials on television, movie scenes both old and new, as well as stories and images from events that were considered…
Courage to Express
Women have lost their traditions of power, and men have lost the principles of control over their own power. They now do things, without really knowing why, just because they are “supposed to.” Should this continue? Time to raise a generation of women who own their power. Yes, but you do that by being that.…
Exercise Power Together
There will always be people who want to “game” the system no matter what system you have. People who will cheat and manipulate and try to control others. It’s just part of human nature. Yes, and they are unwise. It’s a casino, house rules. You might seem to accomplish a little bit, might even feel…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…