Points That Can Lead You to a Better Place by Paul Taylor
There is a lot of talk in spiritual circles these days of a universal “waking up” period that may come. The only way this would happen, in this humble writers opinion, is one person at a time. There are 8 points to this, among many others, that people can start to implement so they can…
Adopt Principle
The same principles they founded our institutions and governments on, the same way they arrive at their insights and rules in the first place, we can use for ourselves. A simple example. In some third world countries right now, there have developed whole cities of the homeless that now run on economies that almost rival…
It’s a Hunted World
What is “real life” but a ghost story? Perhaps a holy ghost story? Do we write the ghost stories? Tradition is a ghost story. The future is a ghost story. What the other guy or other nation is doing is a ghost story. Can anyone name others? The horrible disaster that waits because I don’t…
Mysteries of How to Govern
There have always been priesthoods of one sort or another, from shamanic medicine societies to the catholic hierarchy so visible today, and each order held principles they believed to be vital “mysteries” or secrets of how the world is thought to work. If you read much of the material behind governmental principles and procedures, they…
Occult Doctrine
The subject is cabals. The word comes from the more familiar Jewish word kabbalah which translates as secret or occult doctrine. People often dismiss the idea that any sort of doctrine affects them at all. This is to my view a mistaken notion. Ones “story” or internal dialogue is every bit as much a personal…
Wizards vs Shamans
Any specific culture of wizardry you might like to focus on? I’d like to hear, at some point, about modern day wizardry. Well, modern day wizardry would perhaps be its own class, but the Wu-jen of China, the Skalds of Norse culture, and the Aboriginal Song Line Walkers of Australia would all be wizards. Though…
Spin to the World
Let’s go into the written word, specifically things like the runes and talismans. They were written concepts, though in the case of some talismans, the concept was extremely abstract like a depiction of a star constellation for the system of meridians in the human body. We engage in what are called neologisms even today. The…
You and Your Daemon
Wizards had an idea of archetypes? They did indeed. These were what inspired the ancient pictographs, runes and things like that. They used what may have been a stronger trait of people back then, but I think it still applies even today. Anyone familiar with the bicameral mind model? It’s been proven that both hemispheres…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…