There are some perceptual quirks that people learned to exploit even way back, but it wasn’t all about generating perceptual and conceptual illusions. Wizards had the art of consciously generating their own perceptual filters. This practice took the form of chants or rhymes. The chant served as a focusing aid so their mind would naturally pick out…
Mastery of Words
The word wizard is of Germanic origin, but wizardry is a facet of a great many magickal traditions. Before science as we know it, there was a branch of study called natural philosophy. Natural philosophy was the idea that insight into the ultimate nature of reality could be gained by studying nature. Natural philosophy had…
Accept the Presence of Night and Day
In the beginning was darkness, and in the fullness of time there came to be both a night and day, and this was necessary, good for the well-being of all life. These elements of natural order haven’t changed and will not, but when humans come to accept the presence of the dark as well as…
Connection with Goetic Spirits
The Goetic spirits exist under heaven alongside our kind. They consider the cosmos and the meaning of life much as we do. Humans saw them as intermediary beings because often their patterns of thought and symbolism strike humans as unimaginable, strange or complex, mysterious. Yet they exist in our imaginations? It could be argued we…
Goetic Beings
The moods associated with the goetic spirits are the source of life energy. They form an “elemental” basis for goetic spirits to arise in. The most common hauntings are goetic elementals. Is this like the elemental energies? Similar, but not sharing the common ground with material existence that elementals do. An earth elemental can empathize with…
Minds of their Own
If you were to ask what goetia is, I would have to say it’s working with the spirits of the air, and I don’t mean air elementals which are not known for being super cooperative or generous. Things get around in the shared perceptual and communicative medium, and ideas and stories often seem to take…
Inspiring Spirits
I won’t be speaking specifically of Greek goetia today. The understanding transcends Greek culture and even much of the original Greek lore is lost or unaccounted for. Have you noticed how common references to something being “in the air” are these days? Even more contemporary thinkers have made comments along the lines of ideas coming…
Practical Use of Numina
So practical uses of numina? Get lucid control of your dreams and you can navigate our realities “gravity well” and influence events from there. Tune into the data stream behind your sensory perceptions, the conscious code that it triggers in you, and you can deliberately choose and act out your responses to the inquiries reality…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…