Madness and Spirituality
Madness as it relates to spirituality. It is strange. They say the more you learn the less you know. The deeper the knowing goes the less you can say anything for certain and then when you are questioned people just dismiss your responses as being obtuse. You become an expert at learning. Buddhism is often…
What is ‘Psychic’?
Psychic function is not any more mysterious or complicated than learning style. One of the biggest stumbling blocks about learning to perform psychically is the idea that it’s necessarily a special state of mind. The brain itself is a sense organ. It exists to sense the input from the senses and assemble it into “coherent”…
Using Energies in the World
Using the energies is sort of like being in a gently flowing river. Most people are blown about by the winds or washed away with the waters, but you can see that the winds and the waters, the elements and the spirits, are not separate from you. Often, when the energies seem to rebel, when…
Attunement with Magick
If people barely are able to control their feelings , their thoughts and their actions, how can we hope to achieve a magickal act? Your emotions are linked to external energies. When you recognize the connection, then you see that you are acted upon and can act in kind. Astrology is based on observations of…
Divination & Positive Thinking
Divination is not foolishness. It’s just encoded intuitions about life. You get from divination the wisdom you bring to it. It is not a pointless exercise because the gnosis is there. When the student is ready the master appears. When you have the ears to hear and the eyes to see then divination works. When…
Our Place in Existence
Gnosis has many sources. It is one of those phenomenon like the preponderance of certain symbols that co-arose cross culturally. Like the presence of dragons in every world mythology. The intuition that “god” is somehow indwelling the human soul has been expressed in many ways across all world cultures. The “gods” can be real even…
As Within So Without
Gnosis is the concept “as within so without”. Also connected with the concept “as above so below”. That knowledge of self is knowledge of the principle that originated you. It is connected to astrology. Astrology could be considered a Gnostic tool. Hermetic philosophy is primarily Gnostic in its premises and the principle even emerges in…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…