A Communal Phenomenon
Applying the law of synchronicity can be as simple as having a different thought? It can, yes, and your habitual thoughts show up as synchronicities in your environment. But perhaps some clarification… Habitual thoughts don’t have to be conscious thoughts. There are many experiments, that are reliably reproduced in labs these days, that can “prime”…
Probably There
Let’s consider the apparent order of any given situation. Anyone care to pick one to serve as an example? You mentioned earlier about the sun rising and our observation of that. That works. The sun rises every day. As far as most people are concerned that is adequate to understand the passage of a day.…
Everything Relevant Begins in our Minds
Events that occur together arise out of the same substrate or medium that allows anything to occur in a given time and place at all, and the same process, by which we become aware of an event, has its parallel in how the event happened in the first place. The sun rose this morning for…
Before the Age of Reason
According to strictly scientific thinking, causality is at most a useful fiction. No matter the event, there is only the possibility that it will happen. Some things are highly probable, but nothing can be predicted with absolute certainty, which in a way compromises the strictly materialist view they hold, and yet we perceive causality to…
Mythological Consciousness
Now “memes”, if you prefer, can either feed us or threaten us, and by assimilating key adaptive artefacts, we can deliberately engineer more complex or “enlightened” minds. At this stage just above the contemplative, we come to see people of other cultures as really being our brothers and sisters in life. We deeply and viscerally…
Step Beyond the Reflective Self
At the level of reflection, you have a being who can evolve beyond their physical circumstances, who can understand the world and other species in it well enough that they can more or less shape how natural reality works for them. Can we choose not to evolve? We can choose not to evolve, or evolve…
Animal Range of Enlightenment
Animals, as we call them, range over the realm of instinct and emotion freely, and we can even witness them reaching into the realm of contemplation, easiest understood for us when watching the behaviour of other simians. You will perhaps notice that octopi are capable of some degree of problem solving, but as an octopus…
Stages of Enlightenment
Enlightenment is not a set of achievements to be reached for. In truth, the effort to reach for enlightenment would itself keep the understanding from manifesting in your experience. Enlightenment is not something that requires some sort of otherworldly supernatural intervention. I speak of stages because it does seem to occur in steps, like a…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…