Potential for Real Choice
People usually have a very short list of ‘turning points’ in their life. Those are these liminal states? Exactly, and they feel like losing your mind. We feel like nothing makes sense in those moments. We may even feel like we lack any real identity at all. It is at this point that we have…
When Choice is a Foregone Conclusion
Perhaps another question. When everything is going exactly as you expect it to, do you have free will? Are you free to make any choice you determine on? You’re more often swept away by it. Things happen so easily that the choice is lost. Perhaps a “choice” among those affiliations? Which ones to appropriate for…
Dynamic and Static
Today, we are talking about liminality. It’s a state of being. At one point in history, it was even ritually established or acknowledged, but we do still experience it today. We are dynamic creatures, creatures of habit, and we easily fall into routines and repetitive behaviours. Days tend to be “business as usual” more often…
Epic Genesis Online
I have an idea about the internet. What if humanity is beginning to find a new way of communicating with itself on a mind/soul level, collectively. It appears that everyone out here is intermingling to some degree with many others, mind to mind, and they are intercommunicating on a deeper level. Worlds biggest MMO? What is…
Cooperative Intelligence
Let’s rewind a bit. The physical basis of cell formation, the simple chemical forces that cause DNA to form, this is an innate aspect of matter to the point where we can now produce synthetic parallels to human DNA. XNA they call it. It isn’t human DNA, and it isn’t necessarily compatible with human DNA,…
Supportive Coexistence
Epigenesis is primarily a word used to describe the process of development that any organism goes through as they mature, yet there is more to it. Though there is solid evidence to support these observations, you won’t commonly hear about them. In classical evolutionary theory, organisms are thought to evolve through competition summarized by the…
Sense the Smell of Energy
I keep reminding myself that a small change now will result in a big deviation down the line. Indeed, and this is the purpose for recognizing synchronicity, why we have the instinct for it that we do. Our minds behaviour is shaped sort of like the behaviour of a fish. Just as a fish can…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…