Trust Your Relationship to the Projected World
I ponder “Getting himself ‘together.’” Dreaming is getting yourself together. Brain synching the neocortex with the rest of the brain arises from the brains habit of “checking” the self, making sure all your parts are still there. Since we can’t really tell truth from falsehood in an absolute sense, why not just accept everything as…
No Perception of “Absolute” Reality
They have experimental verification that body language is a reliable indicator of people’s general disposition. It’s almost robotic. Where our understanding goes wrong is in misinterpretation. But say, untrustworthiness results in touching the hands and face compulsively, crossing the arms and leaning away from the person they are interacting with. These patterns of body language…
Behaviour Arises from Environmental Processes
The Buddhists have always told us that “self” is an illusion. Useful, but not a place to stop with inquiry. There is a rare form of brain damage that leads someone to believe they do not exist. They believe the world around them exists. They believe that people talking to them exist. They even believe…
Intelligence of Your Body
Let’s then look at what this means about our autobiographical memory, our memory of our life as we believe it happened to us. Your reaction to anything that happened to you is an assembly of physiological reactions, mirrored social reactions from other people involved in that time and place, your own memory or similar events,…
Your body doesn’t react any differently to internal stimulation than it does external. Pain from sickness is processed the same as pain from attack, say. The brain will begin a pattern of reactions as if you were under physical assault when you fall ill or suffer great strain. So the greater part of the iceberg…
The Brain is One Big Recognition System
Science is the study of what and how something happens. Metaphysics is the study of why, and there is a conceptual split between the two trains of thought in society. Our mind is the centre of everything we try to do, and we would engage in our activities with or without a deep understanding of…
The Way to Contact Dragons
So the way to contact dragons? We all have a species memory of dragons, and although our art is really sort of crude, even just the suggestion of that memory can send out a ping, an echo of memory that resonates with a dragon’s current consciousness. Could the memory be in our DNA? It is,…
Dragon Presence
We aren’t confined to the hand-me down debased vestiges of dragon magick. Recall I said that all earths share the same astral space? And if you accept that matter can be conscious in this state that we know, and that matter has other states which even our physics is discovering is more and more broadly…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…