Dragon Paths
The rituals of Taoist sorcery involve walking the “dragon paths” which mirror constellations in the sky. These dances, for lack of a better term, serve to unlock the inherited wisdom of the dragon emperors, the prehistoric “yellow” emperor having been one of them. A great many people are descended from those lines, even those who…
Uplift Humanity
Now that astral atmosphere I mentioned earlier, it’s shared by every world in terran time/space. Consciousness emerges in all worlds, and existed before all worlds. That “space” of conscious energy is what causes universes to emerge. “Dragons” live on earth. Our time space has holes in it, and for a time they lived closer to…
Many World Theory
Shall we explore many world theory a little bit as it relates to the topic of Dragon Magick? On the literal level, the many worlds scenario arises because in order for one event to have been possible, the complimentary event also had to be possible. In order to have had the ability to take the…
Broader Context
The world you see and take for granted as real is imaginary. Your eye cannot provide a whole or consistent picture of the world around you, so your brain fills in the blanks, makes assumptions, which is good enough for most purposes. In the entire domain of potential sensory experience, human beings only tap into…
Selection is Needed
Every colour is good. Indeed, they are all good, but what if you run one colour into another? They blend. Some blend better than others. If everything runs together, it’s all brown. Some selection is needed. How many people these days live with a brown picture of life? All looks like dookie? A lot but they call it…
Colour Your Own View of the World
How do we use the elements our society gives us in a better way? Tolerate them. That would be a good start, yes, short of threat to life, limb, sustenance or sanity. Be open to different elements and changing elements. Treat them as suggestions? It would better serve to actively engage them. You can’t arbitrarily…
Acquired Persona
In the relationship between the natural self and the acquired persona, does the learned or trained take up as much of our awareness as the self-motivated? Less? More? More because it’s practised. Engrained? Habituated? How much of what you perceive yourself to be is something that came naturally? How much of what you perceive others…
World’s Biggest Monster
Was Picasso “wrong” to put cows’ heads on women? Or was that Chagall? Some would swear emphatically that he was, would even accuse him of misogyny. I don’t think the cows forgave him, actually. Cows are very tolerant beings, excellent examples of ahimsa if not perfect examples. So let’s look at that just for a…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…