Knowing You are Real
Does anyone feel loved by their community? That was a real possibility once upon a time. The village doctor could come to be both known and respected personally for what he did for his community. In this day and age is this possible now? It didn’t have to be someone who’s work was life or…
Keeping it Real
There is an unwritten rule that seems to govern society in this day and age, and really has for a long time now. “Real life” … “The real world” … “In touch with reality.” There is an unofficial edict that we maintain connection to something that gets labeled real life. Are we succeeding at that?…
Affiliation and Alienation
In general, we live in a state of alienation, even here in the virtual world of Second Life, the whole anonymity thing that makes people so exploitative on-line. Do we? Or does the anonymity allow us to truly be who we are without fear of retribution? Good question, and I wager that in fact what…
Sense of Alienation
First let’s establish what alienation is to everyone’s understanding. For those who are up for it, share what you understand alienation to be. Perhaps you are experiencing some sense of alienation from that request. Feeling like a visitor no matter where you are. Not feeling understood. Not a part of the process. Feeling excluded… apart…
Enjoy the Simulator
Are we talking about differing “states” of mind? Or are we talking about different “styles” of thought? Or any, or all of the above? Or are we talking about mechanical/neural processes? We are talking about something people don’t normally talk about, the “self” behind states of mind. This self can function within the environment of…
Dream it Differently
So perhaps a thought in parting… Your habitual dream now, that thing they would detect as they watched the patterns that show up in an fMRI while you look at stimuli, does it put you fully in touch with reality? Is it as useful as you might need it to be? It’s more of a…
Running Fantasy
I read an article yesterday that mentioned they’re studying the effects of product labels on people’s brains using fMRI. I’ve been wondering why so many labels are changing lately and that explains it. Yes, they are trying to brain hack you that way, like the pet toy my wife bought our cat. It has been…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…