The Star Child
Tonight is another installment of our applied theurgy classes, specifically dealing with Sutekh also known as Set. To understand Set best for this purpose, you would need to consider him from the point of view of the teachings of heka. Heka is the Egyptian word for magick. In Egyptian metaphysics, everything that exists shares in…
Room for Change
If someone finds you repulsive, that is really how they feel about themselves? Yes, someone who hates you hates themselves. We used to teach our soldiers to hate the enemy. Really we still do, but we have finessed it a bit more. If they hate the enemy, it’s much easier to kill them, but what…
Love is a River
Life is Russian roulette to the degree that we make it that with our thinking. Nature and your inner nature had different plans. It does indeed have plans. Your DNA is a plan. Your acquired adaptations are plans. Your intuitive reactions and organic impulses are plans. So since we have no choice but to fall…
Falling in Love
So back to generalized love. Love as a behavioral guide. Remember I said love behaves like an elemental force? We identify with things that we feel we can relate to. Passionate and angry people typically love fire. Imaginative and reflective people often love to be by water, and the list goes on and on. When…
Gives us Life
To continue with the elemental metaphor, our soul, our psyche, our capacity for love behaves like an elemental force. This is why it can wear even the most determined independent person down, but it also is not confined to our relationships with people. It is the rule of all our relationships, without exception. Ever meet…
Love First
The force of thought is like fire, where love is like water. Love is receptive, adapts. Fire is consuming, breaks things down and changes everything it touches. An appropriate metaphor? How does anyone control a fire? Either douse it or let it burn out. Control of the fuel. You have it, but yes, most people think…
Spiritual Psychic Health Ebook
This is a very complex topic, and we’ve compiled an ebook that explores all the chakras from the base consciousness to the higher self. Download the full ebook on Spiritual and Psychic Health. Please provide your feedback below. If you find it of value, donations are appreciated via our paypal account. Your thoughts are welcome. Be well…
We Feel Whole
Our minds have evolved in ways that we are not consciously aware of most of the time. One of the ruling factors of that unconscious, but still very tangible facet of the human mind, is that we are especially sensitive to intentional behavior. Scientists say we have “theory of mind.” Instinctively, our brains constantly scan…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…