Category: Love

A broken heart is crumpled, shrivelled. It changes even if you never shut your heart out, and it isn’t really the same each time it happens. What is held in awareness is empowered. What is shoved out of awareness withers.

There is loving someone, and there is “falling in love”. They aren’t contrary, and neither are they identical. I would offer that giving and receiving had not be independent things. If you give your heart you aren’t loosing it, but immersing your awareness in a process that permeates the world anyway. You are just letting it be personal. In the eastern disciplines you give and receive chi. Which is seen as the essence of your very being.

Unconditional love is the willingness to allow those we care about to be exactly as they are. “Emo” is a passive defiance of a culture that makes passion taboo. It has manifested repeatedly in anything after the hippy movement. It’s a collective counter spirit. Emo is its current stage, and it’s the strangeness that can reveal the lie of todays culture if anyone was paying any attention.

“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.” Morrie Schwartz

  • Force of Love

    Force of Love

    The subject is love, and I will be attempting to discuss love in a broad sense. There is a principle in nature, and by nature I don’t mean the conventional sense, but nature as the primal essence from which evident things emanate. The principle seems to be a healing/balancing force. As a matter of general…

  • Love Is

    Love Is

    Love being relational raises a question. Is there love in ‘oneness’? As is most commonly defined, no. We originate in seeming duality as a manifestation of love. Love can be said to be the clear and aware engagement of the life/light itself.  The will of the divine and of all life before any discord, is love.…

  • Way to Love

    Way to Love

    Being alone, as I understand it, is often a production of our thoughts making us think we’re alone? Yes, I agree, but it’s not an original thought. It’s an afterthought that arises from the series of expectations we are taught, and seems true in that system of thinking, though it is in no way factually…

  • Principle of Love

    Principle of Love

    I mean to discuss love, not as a personal feeling so much, but as an aspect of the world and its function. It’s a very pervasive principle, but as most people know it, it seems to be as much a source of grief as of support in this life. I will offer that the idea of…

  • Lovers By Nature

    Lovers By Nature

    We are all lovers by nature, but allow circumstances to taint our ability to give. We think of self as unworthy, but there is no unity outside of that. The false self is the self we are taught, as opposed to what we are without being shown a role. What we are at our inner…

  • The Center Holds

    The Center Holds

    Your mind comes from the same source as anything you will accept as mind comes from.  Minds existed before your personal mind existed, and will after. Mind, like love, is an aspect of existence that we did not create, that we live with and in. Mind is observed to exist, and it exists despite the…

  • What Does it Mean to Fall in Love?

    What Does it Mean to Fall in Love?

    What does it mean to fall in love? Obsession, addiction. Contentment. To find someone you care about more than yourself. When someone or something touches my empathy. There is no wrong answer to the question of what it means to fall in love. Worldwide, the idea has been expressed in a wide range of ways…

  • We Feel Whole

    We Feel Whole

    Our minds have evolved in ways that we are not consciously aware of most of the time. One of the ruling factors of that unconscious, but still very tangible facet of the human mind, is that we are especially sensitive to intentional behavior. Scientists say we have “theory of mind.” Instinctively, our brains constantly scan…

  • Love First

    Love First

    The force of thought is like fire, where love is like water. Love is receptive, adapts. Fire is consuming, breaks things down and changes everything it touches. An appropriate metaphor? How does anyone control a fire? Either douse it or let it burn out. Control of the fuel. You have it, but yes, most people think…

  • Gives us Life

    Gives us Life

    To continue with the elemental metaphor, our soul, our psyche, our capacity for love behaves like an elemental force. This is why it can wear even the most determined independent person down, but it also is not confined to our relationships with people. It is the rule of all our relationships, without exception. Ever meet…

  • Falling in Love

    Falling in Love

    So back to generalized love. Love as a behavioral guide. Remember I said love behaves like an elemental force? We identify with things that we feel we can relate to. Passionate and angry people typically love fire. Imaginative and reflective people often love to be by water, and the list goes on and on. When…

  • Love is a River

    Love is a River

    Life is Russian roulette to the degree that we make it that with our thinking. Nature and your inner nature had different plans. It does indeed have plans. Your DNA is a plan. Your acquired adaptations are plans. Your intuitive reactions and organic impulses are plans. So since we have no choice but to fall…

  • Room for Change

    Room for Change

    If someone finds you repulsive, that is really how they feel about themselves? Yes, someone who hates you hates themselves. We used to teach our soldiers to hate the enemy. Really we still do, but we have finessed it a bit more. If they hate the enemy, it’s much easier to kill them, but what…