Wise Blessing
Now on to blessings. The blessing of the hypocrite will always leave you empty handed. The reason the blessing of the hypocrite will always leave you empty handed is because if they only pay lip service to wisdom and spiritual virtues, they have no vision for the actual spirit in life, and they will reveal…
Wise Curse
People have this idea of being “good at” stuff. In the name of being good at stuff, people defeat themselves. The talented never give much thought to being good at what they do, they just do it naturally, and would still do it even if no one else praised what they did, because they are…
Caring: An Essential Element in Living a Life with Purpose by Kitty Holman
At some time or another, we all stop the wheels of the daily grind and think to ourselves, “Why do we work?” or “Why do we study?” or simply “Why do we do anything at all?” These sorts of questions have plagued our civilization for thousands of years, and they speak to the heart of…
Open To Potential
We are all familiar, at least in some way, with energy. We all know at least enough about energy to be able to say we lack energy, but in fact no one actually lacks energy, ever. In both physics and metaphysics, there are two types of energy. The energy we experience directly in the obvious…
Beliefs Coming True
Geis is an old Gaelic word that translates roughly to bond or obligation, and as much as people like to claim they have “no strings attached”, we all actually do. People often get stuck on the notion that they might somehow be cursed, jinxed, or in some way unlucky and unable by their own power…
Want to Keep Promises? Stop Making Them by Roger Elmore
Promises. We make them every day without even thinking about it. If you consider how many times you’ve said, “I promise” within the past week, you’ll realize that the phrase almost comes out as automatically as do phrases like “good morning” or “I’m fine.” Although most of us are good at making promises, we often…
Active Relaxation
I like the focus on relaxation having an active component. And I will focus on active relaxation now. It is possible to actively relax. Anyone ever actively try to clear their head? If so, how did you do it? There is a reason for some thoughts to come back over and over again. Ever tried…
Our Natural State
Every tension you have in your body, every idea you have about your body, is directly linked not only to other people, but to life and the world itself. You will judge food according to your tensions. You will judge choices the same way, as well as people. With the strain and pain of tension,…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…