Analysis of Tension: Anal Retentive
I’m having some physical issues. One of my meds can affect the immune system, so normally minor things are out of control, and I’m feeling fear and anxiety. There was eczema all over my arms and legs and it was really itchy. Now it’s only on my hands and they are swollen, itchy and painful,…
Analysis of Tension: Being Good
Ready to share your tensions? Wasn’t she next? Doesn’t matter to me. Me either. Yes, it does. You just shared one of your tensions, so I will go with it. You are having trouble reconciling your desire for autonomy with your desire to be loved, and cannot reconcile the tension between the two. This is…
Analysis of Tension: Panic Attacks
Who would like to discuss their tension? You each can, just please go one at a time. I get anxiety that builds up into bad panic attacks. Sometimes it’s just too hard to relax all the time. Go on. What else do you experience? In between, it’s being on edge all the time. Like everything’s…
Door To Internal Wisdom
Today, we are going to talk about relaxation. Does everyone know what relaxation is? Is that the state of perfect balance? Well, balance is always inherently perfect, as far as that goes. I think I do. But then when I feel it, I realize I didn’t know before. Relaxation is perhaps one of the core…
Test Of Sincerity
Autistics, and I am diagnosed one, have a disability. We cannot choose to be “not self”. In fact, it is the reason my family and I have trouble relating well with each other. Mild pain builds. The Chinese water torture will have you screaming in agony, but injure your body not at all. I myself…
Being Ourselves
I find nothing more interesting than sincerity, and I tend to ignore anything other than that, because sincerity requires no form of embellishment. I have a guest who reads something into everything I say. Suspecting you of deceit, they deceive themselves, and the shrewd person who won’t be tricked is always tricked. The person who…
Finding Center
On sincerity, one’s personality can seem an obscure thing. The product of pointlessly obtuse reasoning even, but the insane likewise have personalities, as do the brain damaged. They have the state of being a “person”, and a way in which they function, regardless of any external judgements regarding their life or their level of being.…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…