Hawaiian Story Time #3
We are honored to have MaiLe Firehawk share her native Hawaiian culture. She shares tales of Hawaiian values of spirit, mind and body. The Day of the Whistling Winds, Green Meadows, Ka Piko ame Ka Honu (a grandmother story). Hele mai, e ho’olohe = Come, listen. Attend events of ‘One World, Many Paths and Friends’ in…
Be Psionic
How does one know if they are Psionic? Those who are called to mysticism feel a desire to love/serve one or more spirits or gods, and they show the influence of these spiritual forces in their life. That’s a mystic. Christian mystics are very Christ like, Buddhist mystics are Buddha’s, though usually neither show this one…
Physical Psionics
A psionic example is comparing psionics to shamanism. A shaman speaks to the spirits of animals and can receive communications from these spirits. The spirits a shaman communicates with are the “higher self” of the animal, and the animal spirit reasons like a higher self. Animal spirits are very wise. A psionic contacts the individual…
Psionic Force
The difference between psionics and psychology is that in one it’s just an observation of symptoms and feelings. Psionics is the power of the mind in an objective, physical state. Most people don’t need to be subject to psionic violence to be controlled. Their sense of their psionic balance is shot. You can knock them…
Guided Grace Meditation #5
Nuture yourself in the stars. Guided meditation for divine love and joy recorded on Reflection Island in Second Life. Join the group ‘One World, Many Paths’ to attend Vampirekiss Fairey’s Events in real time. “Only divine love bestows the keys of knowledge.” Arthur Rimbaud (French Poet and Writer, 1854-1891) “The merger of human love with Divine love…
Power of Psionics
For a practitioner of psionics, they don’t use chants or rituals or seek communication with outside forces as an active agency, but rather they form psychic complexes. “Objects” of psychic energy that manifest much as a mood can in a room. For example, a simple psionic technique would be: If you are in a room…
Causing Change
Even though everyone is a part of the collective energies used in psionics, not everyone is focused on or naturally disposed to using these energies. Part of what allows psionic potential is just ones temperament/disposition. Psionicly talented people tend to be very reflective, and one of the most easily available sources of psionic insights being…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…