Ritual Magic Experience
Anyone have experience with ritual magic? Care to share your experiences? Kawa ceremony. At heiau, at midnight to 3 am. Kawa is kava. Heiau are our temples. At those hours we follow a protocol so as to invite the spirits of aumakua to come. Chant, share kawa, silence, etc. and for some multiple presences are…
Ceremony of Magic
I won’t be addressing any one style of ceremony, but will speak to styles across the board. What is ritual magic? It is ceremony. It is performance like song or dance, but not like these things in the conventional sense. There are simple ritual practices that those of organized religion wouldn’t want to acknowledge are…
Life’s Flow
There is not one way and we should all be on it. There are many ways, like many blood vessels in the body. Thank God/ nature/ providence for that, no? The best results are the ones I couldn’t have thought up or expected. But you can be in touch with what takes you there. We…
Dynamic Awareness
If you are afloat on a river in an inner tube, it’s an absolute certainty you will go down river. Yes, you might be able to get out in a rough spot. You might be able to make a huge painful effort and force your will on the situation, but is that necessary? And are…
Be Where We Are
Circumstance. People really believe in that idea don’t they? Circumstance, yes. People giving me the long list of how I could do something, but they can’t even though they say they want to. People have long lists of circumstance. The blind expectation thing again. With proper awareness expectation can embrace a range of outcomes, and…
Rigid Expectation
Did today go as you expected friends? There is a lot of teaching against expectation in today’s spiritual circles is there not? Almost as if it were a serious moral faux pas. Anyone gotten rid of it yet? If you have rid yourself of expectations, how did you do it? Don’t plan anything just let…
Empowering Expectation
Quick poll. For who do expectations feel disempowering? I really felt them to be at work limiting. I felt they limited what I could achieve. I’ve never felt disempowered. They can be discouraging if they are given too much emotional weight when they are not met. For who have expectations felt empowering? Not me. Me,…
It Is A Party, Dance
We are in a world that is moving and growing. We are living in it and with it. What the process of expectation is with the blinders off is being aware of your place in the dance. Being aware of your neighbours as well as knowing what you do will affect others, and what they…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…