World as Ritual
Do you see a connection between the modern ‘worship’ of materialism/money as the root of many people being in a state of dis-ease, as in it being a good example of ‘bad’ ritual? Yes, I do indeed. The American bill says in God we trust, but in fact the ritual of money isn’t about trust…
Ritual Connection
Obstacles cease to be obstacles and become simply a part of the terrain as we become more aware. You won’t bemoan the wall when you see the door, and often times especially in the case of sculptors they say they don’t know what they are going to shape until they do. Is there not an…
Using Ritual
The little ritual, or psychodrama if you will, might seem to have no power or meaning. But as people have often experienced, if you dream about something aggravating at night, your next day may be very much affected. Much of dream and ritual are connected. Some tools are actually focuses to allow dream like imagery to…
Ritual Statement
Some of the elements of language we don’t now recognize as ritual were actually former rituals. The handshake was a disarming process and bragging was a ritual both in Norse and Japanese cultures, but there is something deeper to ritual. Wedding ceremonies to birthday parties, if they have meaning it’s because they have a message.…
Natural Law
There is a difference between a ‘natural’ law and a connived one. The natural laws arise even without human doing but include us, and they are a part of our natures. Contrived rules tend to create resistances. They rely on denial of select elements of reality. We know instinctively? Yes we do, and the natural…
Free in Relationship
Freedom is a pretty complicated topic, though it would seem simple. Freedom is often sought in name, but people call a lot of things freedom. Often if someone says “I need my freedom”, it’s because they are about to self destruct and feel entitled. We think of many things as freedom, mislabelling them like financial…
Natural Inclination
In many schools of metaphysical thought, for you to have a natural inclination you won’t find freedom denying your inclination. It isn’t freedom to be right handed, but determined to do everything with your left, is it? Unless its conscious choice? Conscious choice can deny freedom, and in that case it’s delusion, but you have to…
Death Wish
Id and ego are not the same, quite the opposite. The id is primal and thinks only in concepts, identities, and identifies with everything. To your id you are your mother, you are your brother, you are the world, you are in and of it all, you are a ham sandwich, and you are all…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…