Virtual Reality Freedom
Are we more free in the virtual world of Second Life (SL)? Potentially, and there have been real social/political movements that took place in Second Life that had a very real First Life impact. Second Life does allow another level of expression. I can make a statement in my very form here. Freedom of imagination.…
Freedom is Understanding
Seeing the true reality makes your choices true choices. Rather than saying something arbitrary, honestly rather thoughtlessly like “I could never kill anyone“, why not say the truth? Under the right circumstances I would kill someone, and understand why. Rather than say I would never steal, why not say that if I needed to steal…
Do We Have Freedom?
Freedom is really sort of a nebulous idea and touted a lot, but do we really have it? If you could have freedom from everything, would you really want it? Would you be dead? Basically yes, you would. Likely are rules there too? This is also right. No energy escapes the universe and order touches…
Rule of Law
Here is an interesting fact. Before this age of nations, in the feudal era (feudal = war) there was war, but the total body of deaths is dwarfed by just the Vietnam war and that wasn’t even considered a world war. Where is this noble rule of law that lets people live free? My father…
What is Anarchy?
What is anarchy and anarchism? It’s a commonly misunderstood word usually ascribed to a hateful and licentious lawlessness. Anarchism is sort of a living embodiment of its own principles in that there is no one clearly held body of beliefs. There are more considered approaches of the concepts than a codified philosophy. Anarchy means no…
Power of Intention
Attention is one power of astral logistics. The other power we have of astral logistics is intention. We are told intention doesn’t matter, and that it doesn’t matter what you intend to do. It’s a clever trick, because it keeps us off our feet. It keeps us doing what we must. If we keep paying…
Using Astral Energy
The definition of astral energy is any spiritual/psychic energy. Life force. It is the raw life force. It’s the “observer force” from physics. It’s why they say in the Bible, if there were no human beings the rocks would praise God. Is it like when people have out of body experiences? It’s like that if…
Astral Logistics
Astral logistics is basically manifestation, but bigger. Logistics is the practice of managing energy and resources, and when it seems that something out there has a mind of its own, well it doesn’t have one unified mind. There are many minds, and they are all interacting. Karma, providence, even chi flow, are all just aspects…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…