Perception of Reality
You never perceive reality directly with your senses. It isn’t how it works. And how and what you perceive is determined by your focus, often subconsciously according to conditioning. If you can see what you don’t see, then your perspective isn’t a trap, it’s an incarnation. Many schools speak of a mental body in one…
Impact of Perspective
The subject is the impact of perspective on spiritual life. Some see it as merely a tendency for distortion. They think we don’t see clearly because of our ego putting an overlay on spiritual experience. I would say individual experience is the life blood of the spiritual path. They say we all have a message we…
The media, and the corporations like it. It’s very easy to control an addict. Give them more of what they think they want, and fear triggers the herd instinct. Fear is the mind killer as Frank Herbert said. We don’t go our own way while afraid. We look for help and trust our leaders. Leadership…
Be Who You Are
Humour can help us let go. This is why it heals. It makes us take pain less seriously and in fact as strange as it may sound, if it still hurts that’s a good thing. You’re still alive. You can still feel and grow. We laugh at things because they aren’t a real threat. We…
Play the Game
What people are supposed to do is often what keeps the wheels of their life turning, like paying the bills, going to work. Wouldn’t they do it better if they worried about it less? Would it fall apart if we stopped? I think we fear that too much. Fear. There is a fine line between…
Our Place in the Moment
Any great truth, the most powerful truths, are in fact very simple and often even a child shows an understanding of them. They make us laugh and say “aw, how cute”, and often we ignore them also. This is regrettable to my mind. Children can find joy in the simplest things, why supposedly do we…
A Taoist View
I’ve been asked to describe a normal day of mine, or rather abnormal? My day actually starts in my night. I have some unusual conditions I deal with so taking a Taoist view helps me accept “my way” in life, since I can’t implement “common sense.” I’m autistic among other things. I always dream lucidly.…
Humour in Spirituality
A lot is said about humour in a limited way, but humour like beauty is truth. We can find humour in all things, because in fact there is truth and beauty in all things. Just some might not be to our personal taste. When we call something ugly, all we are saying is it doesn’t…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…