Category: Humility

Powerful Without Measure


Today’s topic is humility. It’s a topic of much internal conflict, at least in general, as few esteem an egotist. The word ego was originally used only to mean self, but has acquired a lot of baggage over the centuries. Most of which serves the individual not at all, really.

I understand the value of service as a spiritual path. In general though, it is my experience that the humble members of any esteemed body of faith, belief, or spirituality are the most aggrieved individuals in any situation. From the televangelists almost saying outright that the people of Haiti deserved the cataclysm that struck their island, to the martyr complex that drives both the Islamic extremists and the martyrdom of American forces. Justice itself was based on a model of the lowest common denominator, and thus many places in this world now have borderline totalitarian regimes they are calling democracy. All in the name of service, supposedly. All in the name of the common good. But if we are all only as valuable as our flesh and blood would seem to give concrete evidence for, then of what use are any of our efforts as a collective people?

It is said that our greatest fear is not that we are powerless, but that we are powerful without measure. The reason we fear this is not because it means we are at liberty to live a full life. What it means is that our leaders, both educational and practical, are poorly founded at best. And our liberties are defined by the limitations we can share, we can agree upon, and well… Has the consensus in any part of this country been truly beneficial to the individual? Yet, we can perceive that some are served by our institutions, is this not so?

Whom does society serve?

Itself, not the individual.

Society serves society. In itself not the individual, but as a collective group.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive


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