Category: Futility

We lose track of what we were trying to achieve, and we try to achieve things we were never connected to in the first place. Many people feel their jobs or careers are futile. We need to feel like we matter, and you find that by engaging life. Not by being told what life is.

Futility is a distinctly human thing, but it isn’t just a burden. This weakness comes because we have another potential strength. We can choose on the level of purpose. So any little notion you have, it’s not pointless. Any subtle feeling you experience, it’s not invalid. Treat it as natural and a real part of the world, and you will not go insane.

“When I was still a rather precocious young man, I already realized most vividly the futility of the hopes and aspirations that most men pursue throughout their lives.” Albert Einstein (German born American Physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity. Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. 1879-1955)

“It occurred to me that my speech or my silence, indeed any action of mine, would be a mere futility” Joseph Conrad (English novelist, 1857-1924)

  • What Is Not Futile?

    What Is Not Futile?

    We are going to talk about futility. It has been on my mind a lot. I would start by asking, what isn’t futile? Breathing? Is if you’re submersed in water. The soul? Hmm, good response, and will go into that later. I’m thinking of dishes and laundry, and how you get them clean and then…

  • Presence In Experience

    Presence In Experience

    Responsibility. Are we responsible for anything beyond our direct human connections? I don’t see how we can be. Well, doesn’t that include the cosmos? We do chant for the sun to rise. Our direct connections do include the land we live with, yes, but most people feel ill equipped to see the land as something…

  • Find Your Passion

    Find Your Passion

    We are drawing nearer to the source than we ever have before as human beings. It’s causing some to have crisis of faith, others it’s been validating for. Crisis, because they are scared of the truth? Yes. So with this view, nothing is futile with the proper inner state brought to any act? Yes, but…

  • What Is Futile?

    What Is Futile?

    What do you feel is futile, friends?  Avoiding change. Yes, and having a sense of futility usually comes from an effort on your part to avoid change, very good. Pretending Second Life isn’t real. If Second Life isn’t real then real life isn’t real, and if I go somewhere I will see a bunch of…

  • We Matter

    We Matter

    We need to feel like we matter. A well respected psychologist by the last name of Maslow said this. He was the first to look for a model of healthy, high functioning mentality. They think “mattering” is something you have when you have money. Yet we live in a system that can only really function…

  • Crazy Inspiration

    Crazy Inspiration

    The biggest source of futility is actually “trying” and people try a lot. It’s huge in about every social circle. Futile is what logic is when you try to use it in place of creativity. That’s true. Logic is a form of trying, and usually very trying, especially if it’s supposed to replace experience. When…

  • Get Crazy

    Get Crazy

    Welcome. We are getting crazy here. Hmmm, deadly fire filled paint cans that can go the moon and blow you up in the process. That’s nuts. If you wanted to do that then given time and resources you would. But that is the balancing factor, desire. Those instincts that say “this is good for me”…

  • It’s Not Pointless

    It’s Not Pointless

    Futility is not even entropy. Futility is wasted energy, gradually decreasing. Entropy is gradually increasing energy. Pointing at the supposed inevitability of decay as an explanation for why we should just tolerate a sense of futility is even logically invalid, let alone intuitively a crock. Nothing is futile if you have the experience? Nothing is…