To Imagine
Did anyone make up imagination? Who invented it? Who imagined it? I imagine imagination? No, but you have thoughts about imagination, which gets in the way of imagination. Imagination is only a word. Yes. It doesn’t even refer to a single thing. I guess, physically, if you can think, then you can imagine. The same…
Types Of Imagination
Imagination goes deeper. All knowledge is imagination. The very field of philosophy that examines knowledge itself “ontology” is itself the practice of checking imagination for good syntax and nothing more. All scientific theories are imagination. They become principles when they seem consistent. Basically, when the process for reality checking holds up with them. Let’s look…
Trust The Intuitive Brain
What can we do with this world of imagination? Well, literally everything you do is something you imagine you do. It is literally all in your head, but what you can do is center in the middle of the processes you don’t control. The process of mind in your head is a rhythm, like your…
Trust Your Affinity
Now down to the use of all this imagination. Affinity. It’s another one of those natural mental processes. As is often said, “The heart wants what the heart wants.” The heart being the core of the mind. It’s much like a natural environment in the outer world, like a forest. When you are in harmony with this…
Our Imaginings
The topic is imagination. Like my imagination that I have insights to offer others. It is tentative at best, to be honest. What is imagination? Hmm, having “the foggiest” would be imagination. Having the foggiest is what you get when your imagination is in conflict with your thinking, but do we have to do this…
Imagination Is Real
Perception is imagination. Awareness is not. Awareness is that center from which we can experience any aspect of your experience or being. It is also called the “observer” in some popular texts. Have my statements left much to the imagination? You can tell the quality of a statement because it will have “resonance” in your…
Space Between
If I can also imagine sensory stimuli, then what isn’t imagination? What needs clarifying is what is imagination. There are principles that present themselves to the imagination, but imagination itself is not a derivative phenomenon. It is the “fifth element”. Imagine if the four elements had no distinctions between them. If there was no way…
I watched a really amazing study on a girl with schizophrenia. She hated, really hated, to be left alone. They do. New research is actually linking autism to psychotic disorders. They are opposites of each other, so just as there are ASD phenomenon, there are also PSD. (ASD= autism spectrum disorder, PSD = psychotic spectrum…
Be Inquisitive
The autistic has sympathy, but not empathy. The psychotic has empathy, but not sympathy. If you are injured, to my mind (the autistic) it’s the same thing as me being injured. It is “wrong” and must be addressed. For all intents and purposes, I am injured. For the psychotic, they can image what you’re feeling,…
Natural Imagination of Dreams
How do dreams relate to imagination? Dreams are the base line or “natural” imagination. They are the purest and potentially the most balanced form of imagination, and where your mind nature and heart nature can surface with the very least distortion. There are a lot of things I can’t “think” about. Sometimes my head gets…