Justice Is Order
What is justice, friends? I think a balance, like the scales of Libra. Consequence somehow in balance. It’s not marginal. Consequence perhaps. People typically relate it to ‘deserving’. Karma. All good, thank you. Today, I intend to offer the premise that justice is order, and in a sense is marginal in that it relies on…
Personal Justice
There are two commonly perceived domains of order and therefore justice. The two domains of order are the personal and the natural. These are not necessarily in agreement nor must they necessarily be, not in any absolute sense. Mostly people are aware of personal order. When we feel our personal sense of justice is not…
Broken Order
The seeds of other peoples orderly world, or “world order”, are present in our lives in what we call roles, jobs, relationships, self images, social rank and public image, even fashion of dress. It’s very wide spread. These are not totally negative. They can be helpful to have some loose ideas for how to organize…
Concern With Justice
People are generally very concerned with justice, or are they? Doesn’t it seem like justice somehow loses some of its letters in translation and becomes a four letter word? A relative justice? Relative justice. Interesting notion. Because are our codes of justice actually set up to aid relating? We are all equal in the world…
Deliberate Change
So justice, why don’t we have it? Any thoughts? These issues are prevalent now only because we have collectively learned to sustain our food supply. We have luxury and idle time galore. True, and we sacrificed the very self knowledge that would let us use all this free time productively. When the bodies needs are…
Greater Picture
I feel I should address personal justice more. Everyone ever see a chick in the egg, or a fish? Conceptually the same. When they developed to the stage of having a form as we know forms, they have this sack attached to them. It doesn’t stay and it doesn’t change into anything else, but as they mature…
Permit Justice
Peace is justice. There is no justice in punishment. Now, as resistance mounts and dependencies become the rule, it’s an unfortunate but necessary evil that some things be stopped. Sometimes nothing else will work. None yet have such spiritual power that they can put a warring nation to peace by declaration alone. Some dependencies are…