Synchronicity Brains
Synchronicity is in a way very simple. It’s an observation that events in consciousness and events in the material world tend to synchronize similar to the observer phenomenon in science. Essentially it’s the identity of the event with the thought or state of being. There is an interesting correspondence, you cannot imagine something that has…
Heart Synchronicity
How do we change a thinking “skeme”? The way you change a thinking pattern is the same way you form one. It starts with no effort. Just a notion like “I really enjoy cake“. As you have more experience with cake, you have more thoughts of cake. Eventually even if you don’t plan it, you…
Detant Breaker
The third point was supposed to be the detant breaker. The brain in the head was supposed to allow complete perception. Each brain has a degree of memory. The stomach brain remembers what upsets it. Moods and distress. The heart remembers what engages it. What it connects to and how, and they can very naturally…
Gaia Brain
Last month when I asked you why my synchronicities were happening at a faster rate, you explained that the ‘knots’ were being untied? Yes, synchronicities aren’t “only human”. It’s a stress letdown of the Gaia consciousness, and every couple of millennia it needs to reset. It is purging our input, the old stagnant stuff, and…
Working with Synchronicity
Knowing that all events start in one of my brains, if I have any event I don’t like (health or external etc.), I need to dig for the glitch in me? There is a conflict somewhere that’s in me? Yes, but here is where that gets confusing. “In you” isn’t in your ego. You are…