Synchronicity Brains
Synchronicity is in a way very simple. It’s an observation that events in consciousness and events in the material world tend to synchronize similar to the observer phenomenon in science. Essentially it’s the identity of the event with the thought or state of being. There is an interesting correspondence, you cannot imagine something that has…
Brains In Consciousness
Before I go onto the third brain, I should describe how the first and second brains function together in our consciousness. When you first wake up in the morning, it’s your reptilian brain that wakes first, and well, it can be said that for some people this is the more wakeful part for most of the morning.…
Brains In Psionic Function
I will now go into how the brains work for psionic function. Most people have very disorderly minds, and run up against some issues that are entirely hard wired into the brain. Then they try to “force of will” their way past it and just create an even bigger mess. This is perhaps why most…
Painting Our Brains
I don’t think we were given eyes and a beautiful sunset by accident nor the brain to recognise beauty. Are humans the only ones that see things just for being attractive? Just to say oh that’s pretty or that feels cool? They say beauty is truth and truth is beauty. There is a deep seated…
Brains are People Seeking
To fall back to Taoism a bit, they call the Tao or natural way/order the Great Mother because it embodies kindness in the purest sense. Everything that wants to exist is permitted to exist. Where this becomes clouded is people believe that their existence and well-being is dependent on conditions conforming to their expectations, which…